Babson College Takes On The Emerging World


Babson College, based in Wellesley, Mass., has established a new overseas program called BRIC: The Cornerstone of the New Global Economy, which immerses participating students in a semester-long exploration of the economic, cultural, political, and historical attributes of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China).

Undergraduate Study, Overseas Learning

We live in a big world -- some Babson College students are about to see it first hand.

We live in a big world -- a number of Babson College students are about to see it first hand.

The undergraduate endeavor will consist of traveling to two of the four BRIC nations (Russia and China), whereby students will blend on site coursework and meetings with business enterprise leaders, government officials, and scholarly leaders to discover in person how and why the world-wide business climate is transforming. The four countries make up more than 40% of the world’s population and encompass about one-quarter of the world’s land mass.

BRIC has been fashioned to immerse students in lands of enterprising opportunity and includes 16 credits, which will be divided between eight credits of Advanced Liberal Arts, four credits of Entrepreneurship, and four credits of General Management. The program is overseen exclusively by Babson College professors.

Required BRIC Coursework

Coursework will be tied closely with company visits and cultural activities to permit students to take in a living classroom; students will sense the culture and business environment as they learn about it. A wide mixture of industries will be explored in each country, except in India, as their students will center on that nation’s function as a global services supplier, and in China, the course will stress new ventures and the entrepreneurial process. Local experts will be steady visitors to the classroom, adding a special opportunity for students to learn from those who have molded and gone through the development in these ever-changing economies.

Undergraduate Dean Dennis Hanno said it is critical for today’s entrepreneurship students to become intimately familiar with the world’s rising nations. “The level of energy and enthusiasm among our BRIC students is unprecedented and will greatly contribute to the success of this initiative,” said Hanno.

For more on Babson’s new BRIC program visit:

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