8 Important Strategies for Effective Studying

8 Important Strategies for Effective Studying
  • Opening Intro -

    Since grade school, most have us have been taught that effective studying entails: dedicating most of your time to reading, memorizing as much content as you can and programming yourself to answer exam questions.

    Various studies have proven that these learning habits are scientifically unsound.


The biggest barrier to college success is said to be lack of proper study techniques.

Since grade school, most have us have been taught that effective studying entails: dedicating most of your time to reading, memorizing as much content as you can and programming yourself to answer exam questions. Various studies have proven that these learning habits are scientifically unsound.

If your strategy entails locking yourself in a room for long hours with the aim of memorizing, it’s high time you shifted to a new strategy. Listed below are are various study techniques that have been proven to be effective.

1. The Technique of Alternating Study Spaces

According to cognitive scientists, the human mind is colored by location. As a result, the technique of changing study locations can prove to be effective. Changing your study space increases your chances of remembering what you learned.

2. Program Yourself to Understand

The reason why most of us flop during college is because we program ourselves for exam evaluation. This is the wrong approach. Read to understand. This can be done through use of:

  • Elaborate Interrogation: a technique that seeks to generate an explanation behind a stated concept, fact or theory.
  • Self – Explanation: attempts to explain the phenomenon behind what you studying. This involves a step by step guide that entails identifying the relationship between new information and known information.

3. Never Underestimate the Power of Group Work

Studying in groups is a strategy that reduces your overall workload and enhances your understanding capabilities. The toughest subjects and topics are best learned through group work. Work is subdivided into smaller parts which each individual can handle. This makes the task less tough: a true divide and conquer strategy.

4. Use Imagery and Keyword Techniques

Forming mental images to a text or reading material is a sure way of remembering content. Keywords can also be used to identify certain verbal or written texts. The use of flash cards is one of the oldest forms of memorizing content through mnemonic devices and associative phrases.

5. Take Small Naps to Recharge

They say that a tired mind is a slow mind. The practice of pushing yourself even when your mind is tired does not bear much fruit. Some good sleep goes a long way into improving your overall GPA. However, this is not an action that calls for laziness. Sleep when you are tired and maximize when you are recharged.

6. Don’t Be Self Absorbed With One Topic

Immersing yourself in a single topic does not bear beneficial fruits. You should always try to switch between subjects rather than spending too much time on one subject. Doing so makes studying less boring and you will be able to learn more.

7. Self –Evaluate

This is done through the simple action of taking practice tests covering learned material.

8. Manage Your Time

Time management is one area that most students fail on. Missing a deadline is the surest road towards failure. Try and minimize on procrastination and your workload will be much more manageable.

Final Remarks

There you have it – the various strategies that are going to catapult your GPA over the remaining semesters. Start by practicing today; remember, procrastination is a road that leads to failure.

Now that you know the secret behind college success, do not keep it to yourself. Do you have friends who are having issues with studying for exams? Share this information and transform their study life.


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Categories: Study Tips