After Graduation, What Now?

After Graduation, What Now?
  • Opening Intro -

    College is an exciting time, but earning a degree qualification is no walk in the park.

    Although many of us consider our campus years to be the best in our lives, living as a student can be tough, and it's common to want to rush into the workforce and start earning money once it's all over.


Life after college can be a daunting prospect, and there are things nobody tells you about navigating your twenties outside of education. However, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. The job market is sparse, and adult life can be challenging, but a fulfilling career is something worth striving for. It may sound like a cliché, but your career is a journey, not a destination. 

So, what’s next after you’ve donned those expensive robes and clutched your certificate? Here are three avenues to explore after graduation.

Get a Graduate Job

There’s no denying it will be tough to land your dream job after graduation, but that’s okay. Be realistic about your immediate prospects, and don’t compare yourselves to others who appear to find their feet straight away.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t aim high. You should polish up your resume, take part in all the extracurricular activities you can, and apply for jobs you don’t think you’ll get. Just don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t happen for you right away. There’s no shame in taking a job you’re overqualified for to pay your rent while you continue to search for the real deal. 

Study a Masters Degree

So, you’re struggling to find work, which means you may need to consider moving back home. There’s nothing wrong with living with your parents again for a while, but it can make you feel as though you’re moving backwards at a time when everybody else seems to be finding their stride.

If you want to hold on to your independence a little longer, consider pursuing a postgraduate degree. Although it’s hard work, a Masters qualification it will significantly increase your opportunities when it comes to finding a job down the line. What’s more, according to a recent Forbes study, MBA graduates earn, on average, 50% more than those without the MBA qualification, so there is a financial incentive to consider here.

If you’re anxious to start earning money, you could study an online MBA program alongside your graduate job. The value of an MBA is not limited to business, however, and it can help further your success in a variety of different management fields. If you’re thinking of becoming self-employed, this qualification could be invaluable.


Taking a year out to travel will provide experience for your resume and broaden your perspective on the world. Most employers are interested in taking on well-rounded individuals with something to talk about, and well-spent gap year will provide just that. If you can find volunteer or work experience that’s relevant to your major, this is even better.


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Categories: Graduation