Essential Office Supplies for Your Desk

Essential Office Supplies for Your Desk
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    Your first office desk, a new desk at a new job, or the wonderful, weathered desk at the job you've loved for decades all need certain essential supplies to keep your workflow moving.


Your employer will probably supply most of these and might obtain them for you if you ask, but they’re all inexpensive and some can help personalize your desk. Personalizing lifts your mood and keeps you engaged in your work.

Water Bottle

The day is fast approaching when your devotion to staying hydrated will become part of your performance review. Choose a water bottle that you like the look of because you’ll look at it (and drink from it) a lot. Buying one that’s easy to clean is a good idea, too.

Eating Utensils

We all eat at our desks from time to time, whether it’s just a snack or a full-blown lunch. Reusable eating utensils are a great item to have in your desk drawer.  Just wash them, stow them, and use them again the next day.

Keyboard Cleaning Gel

If you’re eating at your desk, you’re likely to get crumbs in your keyboard. Various keyboard cleaning gels and putties can take care of that. They’re usually colorful and kind of fun to play with, too. You simply smush the putty into the crevices between the keys, and the crumbs and dust stick to the gel and come out of your keyboard.


Crumbs in your keyboard imply debris on your desk. You can get adorable little mini vacuums so you can quickly clean up after yourself, without having to haul around a large vacuum. They’re inexpensive and amusing.

Pen and Pencil Holder with Personality

A typical desk organizer set with have trays for paper or mail, maybe a stand-up file organizer, a place to put sticky notes, and a matching pen and pencil holder. Show a little personality by using a cup designed to reflect your profession—such as an apple shape for a teacher, or a briefcase for a lawyer. This way, you can decorate with practicality.

other valuable tips:

Stapler and Tape Dispenser

You’d be surprised at how often you rummage around looking for these essential office supplies. Keep them right on top of your desk, next to your perky pencil holder. A good stapler is especially essential; they’re one of the most important items in the office.

If someone “borrows” your stapler or makes off with your tape dispenser, ask nicely to have them back. And ask again. These things are more popular than you imagine, and they tend to travel around the office.


Help purify the office air and brighten up your workspace with a small potted plant. Choose something low-maintenance and keep it away from your computer when you water it.

Tissue Box

There will always be days that are more boo-hoo than booyah, so keep tissues handy. Tissues also allow you to keep your sneezes to yourself. Replenish these essential office supplies for your desk as needed, and enjoy your workspace!

Image Credit: office supplies by Pixabay

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