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The Pros and Cons of Working Part-Time in College

There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not to work part-time while in college. It can be a great way to earn some extra money, but it can also be demanding on your time.

Personal Advice

Things To Know When Adopting a Schnauzer

College can get lonely, especially if you live alone. Moving out of the dorms means no longer living just down the hall from your friends.

Advanced Education

5 Steps to Using the MOCA Peds Assessment to Get Recertified

MOCA-Peds is a Pediatric re-certification examination that can be taken without being physically present in a testing facility. It’s a system built by the ABP to provide doctors with a versatile way to fulfill their chapter 3 MOC certification.


The Benefits of Attending Scientific Research Conferences

Most college students are vaguely aware that their professors conduct research and may attend meetings to present their findings. Graduate students recognize such conferences as factors in their success at landing tenure-track jobs.

College Living

Smart Tips for Living With a College Roommate

Living with a college roommate can be either a nightmare or a lot of fun. It all depends on how well you get along and how much both of you are willing to compromise.

Career Planning

3 Lucrative Starter Jobs for 2023

Whether you are just doing out of school, college, university, or you are looking to change careers in the coming year, one of the major pull factors to any job will be the salary offered.