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Iowa University Rolls Out $2 Million Scholarship Initiative

SayCampusLife has long encouraged readers to research available scholarships as an important way to fund their education.

College Budgeting FAFSA Form Tips Finance Scholarships Student Loans

How To Beat The High Cost Of College

Tweet College tuition costs continue to rise, outstripping the rate of inflation year in and year out. Add in room and board, fees, books, labs and related expenses and the


Rhodes Scholarship Recipients Announced

Tweet Oxford University is one of the oldest universities in the world, established in the last 12th century, with related local lectures from the 11th century ascribed to the university.


Scholarship Money Is Still Widely Available

Tweet The mortgage meltdown and credit crunch have conspired to shake consumer confidence to its very core. Lots of people are trying to figure out how they’ll pay for college

Academics Campus News Scholarships

NASA Seeks Students Advice For Lunar Program

Tweet Furthering Lunar Exploration NASA and the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) are teaming up to sponsor a contest challenging college students to think about what sorts of conditions astronauts


NASA Announces College Scholarship Initiative

Tweet Scholarship applications for NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate are now being accepted for the Fall 2009 academic year. NASA plans to award as many as 20 undergraduate and 5

Campus News College Budgeting Finance Scholarships

Andrew Jackson University Goes Tuition Free

Tweet This article isn’t an endorsement of Andrew Jackson University, rather it is our way of shining the light on the various happenings across academia. Probably the most important concern

Finance Scholarships

College Scholarships For Every Type Of Student

Tweet When arranging funding for college, you or your parents are probably tapping your savings, 529 college fund, considering private student loans and/or Stafford loans, and you may be looking


College Scholarships Provide A Path To Higher Education For Many

Tweet With Stafford loans being more difficult to get and private student loan debt another concern, students who wish to pursue their higher education studies oftentimes feel that their choices


BlueCross Backs SC Nursing Scholarships

Tweet Scholarships Aid Nursing Faculty Academic scholarships can be the deciding factor for prospective college students, a financial award which can a long way toward covering the high cost of

Finance Fun News Scholarships

Fun & Wacky College Scholarships You Never Knew About

Tweet If you’re planning on attending college this fall or are still a year away from making the transition from high school to university, you may be wondering how you

Career Planning College Budgeting Education Tips Finance Scholarships Student Loans

SayStudent, Refreshed and Overhauled

Tweet As part of the nBuy Associates network of websites, SayCampusLife is associated with several other websites including SayStudent, an online destination dedicated to helping students and their families find financial aid. Just