College Budgeting

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College Budgeting

7 College Tips – Easy Ways to Save Money as a College Student

In college, saving money might be the last thing you want to do, but start being responsible. Stop your unnecessary spending habits, keep the money, and spend it in a smart way.

College Budgeting

Cheap Ways for College Students To Have Fun With Friends

Tired of watching movies or studying together with your college friends? Here are some inexpensive ways to hang out with your friends and do something new.

College Budgeting Featured

Ways To Be Stylish and Trendy on a Budget

Uncover the best ways to be stylish and trendy on a budget. You can be a trendsetter on your campus with these student-friendly shopping tips and tricks.

College Budgeting

Effective College Budgeting 101

One of many first-time freedoms that comes with college is being able to decide how and where to spend money. A budget can help prevent students from making financial mistakes with serious and lasting consequences.

College Budgeting

5 Reasons Why You Need to Set A College Budget

Setting up a budget in college can set you up for success in school and beyond. Being conscious about your spending is a skill that is important to develop in life –

College Budgeting

3 Tips to Survive Being a Mom in College

Many moms make the decision to have children once they’ve completed college and their careers are in full swing. The fun part comes when the mother has to decide how to juggle her career with raising a family, but somehow the issues always seem to resolve themselves.

College Budgeting

5 Steps on How to Manage Your Finances in College

Money management is a crucial issue for many college students since most of them face a very tight budget.

College Budgeting

Budgeting in College – Why It Doesn’t Have to Suck (Part 2)

Let’s continue our discussion on how best to budget for college. Reducing costs is one of the best ways to stay within budget.

College Budgeting

Budgeting in College – Why It Doesn’t Have to Suck (Part 1)

Chances are if you are reading this article, you are either running a fine toothed comb through your wallet for threads of cash or are just looking for ways to avoid being in that state.

College Budgeting

25 Different Ways of Saving Money In College

Many college students live on a tight budget. Some of them find it hard to make ends meet because of the high tuition costs and daily living expenses.

College Budgeting

How to Manage Your Expenses as a College Student – The Ultimate Guide!

There is no way to bypass the cost and expenses but with a few smart decisions and a little budgeting, you may have some life left in your when it’s all over and time to graduate!

College Budgeting

7 Tips for Managing Your Shoe-String Budget in College

A shoestring budget is always difficult to deal with, but it doesn’t have to mean that you live uncomfortably.