Tag "resume"

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Job Search

Ways To Make Your Résumé Stand Out

Save the flair for your personality when it comes to applying for jobs. Your résumé should appear professional.

Career Planning

Making the Perfect Resume for Your First Job: 7 Points You Need to Remember

Once you complete your education and start looking for a job, your resume will be that one thing by which an employer will know and identify you initially.

Education Tips

How to Write the Perfect Resume for Internships

For most college students, the reality of graduating and moving into the world of employment becomes clear come internship season. This when you will start feeling like you haven’t done much in the past years to put together the best resume or there’s too much to put, but you have no clue where to start.

Job Search

5 Tips To Help Fresh College Graduates Find Their First Job

The process of job searching can be very frustrating for most fresh college graduates. This is mainly because they lack work experience, and as a result, cannot compete against other experienced job seekers.


How to Build an Effective CV and Resume for Scholarships and Fellowships

Scholarships is often the first step many of us had to take in order to get into the world of academia. And is perhaps the most dreadful, not because it is complex or intrinsically frightening, but because it will be the first time you will be submitting a formal request for funds (but, I assure you, not the last!)

College Training

Sage Advice for Snagging a Summer Internship

Your academic progress is certainly important to recruiters, but they want to see something else. Namely, real life experience. That experience can be hard to come by, unless you are willing to work as an intern.

Career Planning

Six Steps to Prepare for Your Career While in College

Your time in college will fly by fast. Before you know it you will be on stage, collecting your degree and turning your tassel. Hopefully, you’ll have a job offer in hand too and ready to launch your career.

Career Planning

Better Resume Building Done Right

It is important to still maintain a resume even if you connect with employers chiefly online. Your LinkedIn profile can serve as a resume, but usually someone in Human Resources still prefers to see a hard copy or at least a .doc or .pdf of the same.

Personal Advice

7 Timely Tips for College Seniors

College seniors have much to consider over the next several months as they wind down their collegiate years. Soon, you’ll be walking up on the stage, receiving your degree, and turning your tassel.

Career Planning

4 Online Job Strategies and Considerations

It is time for you to take your online job searching efforts up one level. You probably know that connecting with potential employers online can help you with your job search, but you may not be sure what approach to take.

Career Planning

College Career Fair Resume Advice

College seniors have an excellent employment seeking tool at their disposal: the college career office. Every school has one, a place where students can turn to for resume writing help, interview tips, job leads and more.

Career Planning

How To Build A Stellar Resume Fresh Out Of College

Tweet While graduation can be a time of joy for many people, it can also be a stressful experience. Students must transition from the academic world into the harsh world