Tag "Technology"

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Should You Bring a Laptop to Your College Classes?

Tweet Walking into college as a student means navigating a mix of lectures, projects, and group work. Deciding whether bringing a laptop to your college classes is essential can be


Bridging Technology and Traditional Art in Higher Education

Modern innovations have changed how we create and appreciate art. This shift is especially evident in higher education, where students and educators blend traditional art with digital resources.

Personal Advice

Strategies for Reducing On-Camera Stage Fright

If you’re not used to speaking in front of a camera, you may feel anxious or even afraid the first time. Use these tips to boost your confidence.


5 Best Services That You Should Sign Up For Today

Being a college student you have to save money for your tuition fee instead of overspending on your entertainment every month. However, you shouldn’t have to worry about this issue, because we have services that can help you in your college life.

Career Planning

5 Jobs for Tech-Savvy Students to Look Into

Tech careers are incredibly popular among students, and with good reason. The tech industry continues to grow, offering many job opportunities for those who have the education and skills.


Technology in Education: An Ally or a Foe?

Our world today is dominated by a fast-paced type of living and economy. One big factor to that is the rise of the computer age where every facet of living had already been computerized. We can say the same when it comes to our education system.


What is the Best Kind of Laptop for College Students?

Tweet Discussions and modules are also posted online for students to read and participate in. So as you can see, without a laptop, learning in college is difficult. But, not


What will the College Landscape in 2025 Look Like?

The College landscape by 2025 will be characterized mainly by the adoption of technology. What will it be like?

Career Planning

How Technology and Your Career Choice are Now Intertwined

There are times when making the right career choice was easy. Today, things are different. Before making a career choice, you need to consider more than passion.

Advanced Education

Easing the Start of a new Chapter in Adult Education

Returning to college as an adult is exciting and intimidating. Adult students often feel they are at disadvantage because they’ve been out of school for so long.

Advanced Education

Tips to Get an Up-to-Date Education for Today’s Business Market

Tweet If you are struggling to keep up with the changes in today’s business market, don’t fret. You’re never too old to learn, and these marketing tips will teach you


Technology has Changed Campus Life in a Big Way

Once you are in college, you would hardly see anybody who is not plugged in. It starts with the alarm ringing on the smartphone moving on to the iPhone that gets your day started.