4 Majors and the Jobs They Earn Students

4 Majors and the Jobs They Earn Students
  • Opening Intro -

    Many students wonder exactly what they can do with the major that they have chosen.

    There are some great jobs out there for almost all majors, and some that are just plain fun.

    Whether you are looking for something that pays well, is fun, or a job just to pay the bills, there are tons of career options available.


By Amy J. Silver

1. English Major

Some people say that the only thing you can do with an English major is teach. Though you can teach, this is not the only thing that you can do. With an English major, you can become a writer. Writing consists of more than just the blog posts you put up. Making it professionally as a writer can be difficult, but more doors are opened when you have a degree in English. Along with this, you could get a job in editing — if you are a grammar maven, this could be a great option for you!

2. Information Technology

With a degree in IT, there are many options. If you are looking to work in retail with an IT degree, consider getting a job with the Geek Squad. Many people enjoy working for themselves, therefore they open their own computer repair company. Having your own company isn’t for everyone though. If you work better with others, you may want to look into local companies that need someone for its IT department.

3. Graphic Design

Who doesn’t love playing with Photoshop? If you have chosen a major in graphic design, you will find that it is a great program. There are many job opportunities for those who choose graphic design. If you decide to work for a design company, you will find yourself designing everything from business cards to websites. You may decide to focus on one aspect of graphic design, such as banners for websites. You may even find yourself designing covers for books.

4. Nursing

Many people think that getting a nursing degree is fairly self explanatory. What they may not know is that there are many different areas of nursing. Do you want to be in the thick of it all? Then an ER nurse may be an option for you. Or, if you like working with babies, you may decide to work in labor and delivery. These days, some of the greatest need for nurses is in nursing homes.


Choosing your career is no longer just as simple as choosing your major. They go hand in hand. It can be difficult to say that you choose one and then the other. There are many options open to you, no matter what major you choose. If you can think of more careers other than the ones listed, we would like to hear from you. You may find that you choose one career in a major at first, and then move on from there. Knowing your options can help you with this both now, and the future. What is your perfect career?


1. Fastest Growing Job Markets

2. Choosing Your Major


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Categories: Career Planning