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Landscaping Business 101: What You Need To Get Started

Tweet Are you a student looking to make a few bucks between semesters or a recent graduate who wants to put their business degree to use starting a new company?

Money Tips

Budgeting Tips for College Students Moving to Miami

Moving to Miami as a college student presents both opportunities and financial challenges. Effective budgeting is crucial to make the most of your experience while staying financially responsible.

Money Tips

Creative Side Hustles You Can Pursue While in College

Want to earn a little income during college doing something you enjoy? Check out these side hustle ideas for creative people that you can pursue in college.

Money Tips

5 Reasons Color Runs Are an Effective School Fundraiser

Are you looking for a successful solution to raising school funding? Discover why color runs are effective school fundraisers. Host an event with many benefits.

Money Tips

4 Side Hustles Perfect for College Students

Are you looking for some extra money to fund your education or living expenses? Check out these side hustles that are perfect for college students.

College Budgeting

7 College Tips – Easy Ways to Save Money as a College Student

In college, saving money might be the last thing you want to do, but start being responsible. Stop your unnecessary spending habits, keep the money, and spend it in a smart way.

College Budgeting

Cheap Ways for College Students To Have Fun With Friends

Tired of watching movies or studying together with your college friends? Here are some inexpensive ways to hang out with your friends and do something new.

Money Tips

4 Easy Ways To Make Money in the Summer as a College Student

Whether you’re covering the cost of textbooks or simply earning some spending cash, there are easy ways for college students to make money over the summer.

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3 Types of Insurance Every College Student Should Know About

Heading off to college is an exciting time for a young person. You may be living on your own for the first time. You’ll be dealing with dorm assignments, class schedules, planning your own meals and learning important lessons about time management.

Featured Money Tips

Saving Money As a College Student

College students are well-known for being broke. The life of a college student consists of bills coming from left and right, which can make saving up difficult.

College Budgeting Featured

Ways To Be Stylish and Trendy on a Budget

Uncover the best ways to be stylish and trendy on a budget. You can be a trendsetter on your campus with these student-friendly shopping tips and tricks.

Featured Money Tips

Tips for Making More Money When Selling Old Clothes

Tweet We’re here to give you some tips for making more money when selling old clothes! Thoroughly Inspect Clothing As you go through your closet to find clothing you want