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Study Tips

Tips for Juggling Academics and Outdoor Adventures in New Hampshire

New Hampshire is known for its scenic landscapes, vibrant educational institutions, and various outdoor activities. The state is ideal for those who love academics and the outdoors. However, juggling coursework demands with the urge to explore nature can be challenging.

Traveling Student

Outdated Driver Safety Practices You Shouldn’t Do Anymore

Tweet Outdated Practice I: The “10 and 2” Hand Rule The “10 and 2” hand placement rule, which dictates that drivers should keep their hands at the 10 and 2

College Living

7 Dorm Room Essentials for Surviving Freshman Year

Heading off to college is an exhilarating experience, especially as a freshman full of enthusiasm and high expectations.

Student Health

A College Student’s Guide to STD Testing

Navigating through college life comes with its share of challenges and learning experiences, including taking responsibility for your sexual health.

Campus Safety

College Student Beware: Online and On-Campus Scams That Can Wipe You Out

In an age where online activity is at an all-time high, college students find themselves in the crosshairs of scammers more often than not.

Study Tips

What to Know About Taking a Macroeconomics College Class

Taking a macroeconomics course in college can be an incredibly enriching and eye-opening experience that goes beyond simply studying economic forces.

College Living

10 Cleaning Hacks College Students Need to Know Before and After Parties

College parties can be a lot of fun, but they can also leave behind a big mess. From spilled drinks to sticky floors, cleaning up after a party can be a daunting task.

Traveling Student

What College Students Should Know about Car Ownership

Car ownership marks a significant milestone for many college students. It symbolizes independence and a desire to create your own path in life. However, it also introduces a new set of responsibilities.

Student Health

Daylight Savings Time Preparation Tips for College Students

With Daylight Savings Time just around the corner, college students are about to experience the annual shift in time – setting clocks forward an hour.

Study Tips

Ways To Strengthen Your Concentration While Studying

There are many times in your college career when your ability to concentrate is essential, and there are ways to improve it for an easier time studying.

Traveling Student

Essential First Aid Supplies for Wilderness Adventures

Spending time in the woods can be a great break from the pressures of college. But don’t go without essential first aid supplies for wilderness adventures.

Campus Cars

Common Types of Accidents That Occur on College Campuses

New college student? You should learn how to stay safe on campus. Check out these common types of campus accidents and how to protect yourself from them.