Students, Wake Up – You Can Be a Millionaire

Students, Wake Up – You Can Be a Millionaire
  • Opening Intro -

    Becoming a millionaire is getting easier with every passing day, thanks to inflation and technological advancement.

    The likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg among many others hit their first million within the college age bracket, so you are not exempted, thought a student.


However, to be among the few student millionaires around, you will need to know what makes a millionaire and what you must do while still schooling.

What Makes a Millionaire?

Millionaires are not aliens or super humans. They swim in riches for the following reasons.

  • 1. They have a sense of urgency.

    Millionaires are known to be always on the go. Statements like “let us wait and see” or “I will do it tomorrow” are far from their lips. Nobody become rich just sitting and thinking without practically doing something.

  • 2. They keep the right company.

    Everyone needs a helping hand. The help may not necessarily be in cash. In fact, the best set of people to hang around if you long to be a millionaire are individuals that will motivate and challenge you to go the extra mile. This is important because the company you keep either propels you forward or drags you down.

  • 3. They place value on their time.

    A millionaire understands that money is directly connected to time. The adage: “Time is money” remains infallible. Engagements that take undue long time with little rewards should be avoided.

  • 4. They are constantly learning.

    Millionaires are addicted to learning. They keep upgrading their skills and knowledge about specific industries. This way, they are able to grow their wealth and net-worth.

  • 5. They take time off.

    Many started the journey but got burnt out before hitting their first million. Successful millionaires understand the need to relax so as to recharge.

What Millionaire Students Do

Most students had at one time or the other dreamed of becoming stupendously rich. While that is not bad, just day-dreaming without taking steps would not do, so here is what student-millionaires do. Here are some of their key characteristics:

  1. Set goals.
  2. Sort out their spending habits.
  3. Hone in on their money skills.
  4. Start earning though still studying.
  5. Start saving.

A Final Word

As a would-be student millionaire, you must understand that hard work alone is not enough. You also need good strategy, skills, knowledge and the right company to realize your dream. If some students could become millionaires doing legitimate businesses, then you can too.

Always remember this: student millionaires are made, not born. There are countless other students out there who have the potential to become millionaires before graduating without knowing. Let’s be our brother’s keeper by reaching them with this message. That can just be your own contribution to raising the next student millionaire.

For additional facts on the topic, visit

College Financing reference:

finding money for college guide


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