In fact, the cost of higher education has skyrocketed so high that student loan debt in the US is now greater than credit card debt. Over 1 trillion dollars is owed collectively by Americans that have amassed this debt by borrowing money to pay for school. Despite that, more and more careers and job listings require a college degree.
Financial experts suggest paying for school out of pocket, if possible, rather than going into debt. Obviously, this is easier said than done. How can a struggling college student afford to pay for thousands of dollars of tuition every semester? The answer is by using every available resource to put the money together.
Here are a few ideas for how to pay for school and still have time to study.
If you’re pursuing an advanced degree, then you likely already have well-honed skills that could prove valuable in the marketplace. Academic competition is fierce these days, and getting into an elite school is tough.
Parents spend millions of dollars each year across the country on tutors for their kids—and their preferred providers are younger professionals who are just breaking into their field. In other words, you are the perfect candidate for a part-time tutoring job.
There are tutoring companies where you can apply, but you can also advertise your services individually if you prefer, so that you can set your own hours. Your school may also have tutoring centers around campus where you can apply.
On-Campus Jobs
If you live on campus or spend a significant amount of time there, you should consider working for the school or for a contractor of the school.
Campus jobs are easy to get for students, provide valuable work experience, and lend greater connectivity to your institution. They’re also likely more willing to let students organize their work schedules around classes than other workplaces might be.
Sell Some of Your Things
You can de-clutter your home and garage while earning some money you can put towards your schooling. If you take a look around your home, chances are you’ll find some things with actual value that you don’t need anymore.
Perhaps you could locate some jewelry stashed away somewhere that you never wear anymore. Or you own some electronic equipment that you never use. For best results, put your goods up for auction online using sites like
You may also have a car that you don’t need. If you live on or close to campus or if your area has a strong public transit system, it may be a good idea to sell your car.
You can make thousands of dollars off the transaction, and put all that toward tuition. Even if your car isn’t in great condition, sellers at salvage yards and other places will pay money for junk cars so they can resell the parts.
other valuable tips:
Rent Out Your Property
Airbnb and other websites have revolutionized the way people rent property. If you have extra space in your home or are planning to be gone a while, such as for summer vacation, you can list your property on the web and find a paying tenant easily.
College is difficult, and paying for college can be even harder. However, when you pool your opportunities together, it’s possible to come up with the money you need to pay for school and still have time to study.
Image Credit: make money pay school by Pixabay
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