That’s where you, a friendly, knowledgeable young adult, can step in. Here are a few of the best tips for boosting your babysitting career.
Earn Your Certifications
Babysitting is all about trust; a parent who thinks you are inept or suspicious will not hire you to watch their child. Tha’s why outside verification can go a long way in securing your spot with a local family.
The first thing you should do is learn basic health emergency techniques. For example, you should know how to properly perform pediatric CPR and obtain a certificate documenting your recent training.
You can also ask previous clients to write reviews about their experiences and describe how their children connected with you. The more positive reviews and references you have, the more likely a prospective family is to hire you.
Offer More Availability
Sometimes, gig-based jobs are all about your availability. As a student, you have classes, homework, meetings, and more to attend daily. However, these engagements often don’t last beyond a few hours at most, leaving significant parts of your day wide open.
A working couple with young children may need help at any time of day—a morning workout, the workday nine-to-five, an evening date night, or even an overnight couple’s vacation.
You have the opportunity to step in, give them something no one else can—an available schedule. Though you should not double-book yourself with a babysitting gig and an important class session, you can leave your schedule open in the early morning and between classes.
Reconsider Your Pricing
As a babysitter, you charge a set amount of money each hour that you watch someone’s kids. While you have the liberty to charge what you wish, you should strike a balance between your experience, local rates, and gig availability.
You should receive adequate compensation that fits your education and experience. But this may not be possible, depending on the college you attend and the demographics of the surrounding neighborhoods.
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You should reconsider your pricing and think about sacrificing an extra dollar or two in order to make something instead of nothing. The more accessible you make your services to parents with lower incomes or an eye for the best price, the more likely you are to land a babysitting job.
Remember these tips for boosting your babysitting career as you prepare for the upcoming college semester. I’s never too early to prepare your babysitting resume, so get to work collecting references and training yourself to be the best caregiver possible.
Who knows? Babysitting with a prominent family or well-connected person could land you your first job out of college, especially if you stick with them for all four years.
Image Credit: tips for boosting your babysitting career by
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