Reaching out to new students is a practice universities have mastered, but Tiffin University is doing something no other school has tried: create an online college to woo students to its school.
Ivy Bridge College is an online-only school developed and run by Tiffin University offering associate degrees which can open up doors to a four-year degree at Tiffin and other schools. An independent, coeducational institution that has been educating students since 1888, Tiffin has achieved national recognition for its accredited on-campus and online courses.
Tiffin’s Ivy Bridge program is designed particularly to help students who need extra academic assistance to succeed and will team students with coaches who will monitor their progress. Specifically, Ivy Bridge College offers:
Log On Anytime. Students can log on to take classes at any time, setting their own schedule, and completing the program in as little as 20 months.
Connection with teachers and students. The school is encouraging email contact with teachers, news group discussions, online chats, and office hours. Students will be able to connect with each other as well.
A planned path. Ivy Bridge has agreements in place with Tiffin University and dozens of other colleges and universities throughout the United States. These agreements make it easier for students to be accepted into and to transfer credits to four-year institutions once they have completed their Ivy Bridge degree.
Earn a highly prized degree. Ivy Bridge students will earn a Tiffin University degree, which is authorized by the Ohio Board of Regents and accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission (NCA) and by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Applications for new students is currently under way.
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