But seriously, what is it about social networking sites that makes them so popular? We aren’t addicted to the social networking sites but we are addicted to the people on the other side of the screen. Some of us stalk the “certain someone”s. Some of us watch how much our friends are chilling out without us. And then there are some of us who just want to talk to as many people as we can.
Ultimately, we procrastinate and use our time only for networking, ignoring our life.
After a major time of going through others profile, we end up seeing one girl or one guy who is always there in all the pictures. Yup. This is the part where the so called “popular kids” come up. Looking at them having the time of their lives, we feel like doing the same.
But we really do not know where or how to start this networking and working all our way up towards being popular. This is when we start trying to hang around the popular kids. This is when we trying fitting in, in the popular kids group. We start with our struggles of impressing them. We start to spend on them, obeying everything they say and ultimately feel used and wasted.
But seriously, being popular is not all that hard. I have 5 steps that are some of the easy ways to work your way up to the top of the “popularity ladder”.
1. Have/develop a hobby for which you’ll be known
Always have a hobby that you are really good at. Or develop one. It need not be the mainstream dance or basketball or gaming hobby. It can even be as simple as blogging or writing. You just have a hobby for which you can be recognized. I do have a hobby of being an anime fangirl (otaku). People come to me with different queries about an anime series or or which anime series they should watch. So, if you have a hobby for which you are known for, lots of people come to you. That way your networking would increase.
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2. Be a happy person or at least act like one
As simple as sounds, it is very effective. Anyone, including yourself, would wanna be around a happy person. Usually, a happy person ends up making people around them laugh and makes everyone feel like they are worth a lot of happiness. No matter how hard or how messed up your days are, just put up and smile uplift everyone’s spirit. After creating a positive environment, even you would forget your worries. I usually start a conversation by saying “Hello happiness” to the person in front of me.(And the smile on their face is priceless)
3. Be kind
Most popular kids have one thing in common, their kindness. They usually help people out of their worries. They never act rude or trashy. They maintain a nice relation even with the ones who despise them, in turn pissing them off even more. Never give on being a nice person. No matter where you are, your kindness attracts people. After all, all bees are attracted towards flowers. But remember, being kind and being used are two different entities.
4. Be confident
Yes! This is a secret ingredient needed in making you popular. I have seen so many people who are nice, talented, good looking but are really shy to come out and talk to people. Be confident. Always. For guys, you do not need to tough, good looking and well built to be popular. All you need to be is confident. And for girls, you all are beautiful just the way you are. You do not need pounds of make up to be beautiful.(but if that makes you feel happy go ahead with it, both guys and girls). My point here is that you need to be confident under your own skin. After all, what radiates, in the end, is your confidence.
5. Be yourself
This is the key. Be yourself. No one can ever take away your originality from you. If you try to act like the popular ones, you would just end up as a wannabe. All my life, I have been told that acting like someone else is the hardest thing. But I know now that it is being ourselves that is the hardest thing. Rediscover yourself and be the best “you” you can ever be. I had a friend who used to copy the way I spoke and my obsessions for hearts (guilty me 😛 Hearts are just too pretty, the shape). This hampered our friendship. Not only that, but our other friends saw her as a wannabe and an attention-seeker.
But why do you wanna be popular. Is is because your networking would improve, or is it because you would be loved by all? Whatever your reason is, go ahead and follow the above steps. If you have any friends who have the “popularity fever” then share this with them as well.
But mind you. As much as being popular has it’s perks, it even has it’s drawbacks. But until the drawbacks start showing up, keep calm and be popular.
And never forget to love yourself popular or not. Because in the end, the only person who would live with you is you. Love yourself like the first time you fell in love.
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