Sleeping Tips for the Tired College Student

Sleeping Tips for the Tired College Student
  • Type: Infographic
  • Opening Intro -

    The Fall semester will begin in a month or so for many colleges and universities. Are you ready to tackle the arduous work?

    What can you do differently to help improve performance and your college-life experience?


You know the life-at-college drill –

  • Wake up,
  • rush to class,
  • hit the library,
  • grab something to eat,
  • back to class,
  • hit the study hall,
  • meet up with some friends,
  • cram for a quiz,
  • update your social profiles,
  • hit the bed around 1:00AM,
  • and then start the next day all over again.

After a full week of this, you are totally exhausted. You likely spend your entire weekend in bed. Now ask yourself, it this smart?

Maybe for a day or two when you have a lot of course work or exams to prepare for.  But living this schedule day-after-day can hamper your ability to perform at your best.  Managing your time to eat well, get daily exercise and plenty of regular sleep will find your college living experience more enjoyable and productive. 

Take a look at this informative infographic on the benefits of good sleep while attending college:

Sleep better, improve your learning experience

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College campus reference:

save money on textbooks


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Categories: Personal Advice