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NCAA Football

Time to Start Getting Ready for the College Football Season!

Tweet For different fans this could mean different things but the goal is the same: to support your alma mater or favorite team in the most fun way possible. Tickets

Student Health

What You Need To Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Tweet Health Line reports that around 1.3 million individuals within the United States have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. They also report that, on average, out of every 100,000 individuals,

College Planning

7 Ways Today’s Universities Are Changing

Tweet Thanks to a handful of cultural events, American colleges have experienced a number of radical revolutions in recent years, and few universities remain as their alumni remember. For better


College Education Money – A Place You Haven’t Looked?

Tweet You are going to college! Cool! Ready, Set, Study! Fun times ahead. But do you have your college education money all set aside, or do you have a plan

Career Planning

Medical Technology Watch: Exciting Career Opportunities With Laser Technology

Health technology is a very exciting field and keeping up to date with these new cutting-edge trends that will revolutionize healthcare is often a job in itself.


17 Best Apps for College Applicants and College Students (Part 3)

We researched many of the learning apps out there and chose the 17 most helpful apps to the average college applicant and student. These apps can aid you with the college search, with college prep, with your college applications, with academics once you are in college, and with the college lifestyle in general.


Why College Students Need Health Care Too

A major fall back that all financial institutions and government agencies have had, in regards to student aid, student financing, student loan and even student jobs is the total lack of attention that has occurred with student health care.

Personal Advice

Staying Safe When Using Online Transportation Services

In the last few years, transportation apps like Uber and Lyft have taken over the taxi scene. They are more affordable and easier to contact than cabs—instead of calling, all we have to do is push a button.


17 Best Apps for College Applicants and College Students (Part 2)

Phones are not just for phone calls anymore. They can be computers, maps, tour guides, game centers, cameras, search engines, and many more things. With the right apps, they can even become a tool for college.

Personal Advice

Sleeping Tips for the Tired College Student

The Fall semester will begin in a month or so for many colleges and universities. Are you ready to tackle the arduous work? What can you do differently to help improve performance and your college-life experience?


17 Best Apps for College Applicants and College Students (Part 1)

Phones are not just for phone calls anymore. They can be computers, maps, tour guides, game centers, cameras, search engines, and many more things. With the right apps, they can even become a tool for college.

College Budgeting

College Budgeting – Methods to Make Your Life in College Easier

Just the very idea of budgeting can leave a bad taste in your mouth as a student. It is simply not in your nature. Higher Education can be an expensive experience not just when it comes to studying but in the very lifestyle that partly inspired you to become a student in the first place.