10 Math Experiments to Have a Great Time With

10 Math Experiments to Have a Great Time With
  • Opening Intro -

    Have you ever thought that in order to learn mathematics you could do it differently than with pencil and paper exercises?


Today we bring you some ideas for your students to practice math with chocolate, recycled materials, ice cream sticks … Don’t miss them!

For the older ones:

  1. The challenge of the number Pi:
    Pi is an irrational number, with infinite decimal numbers. However, we can expand the number of decimal places, since we know that internally calculators work with more digits … will we be able?
  2. The chocolate trick:
    This game will leave you with your mouth open! This is the experiment of infinite chocolate, a trick that your students will love and will surely repeat when they get home. Do not miss it!
  3. Mathematical recipes:
    Cooking is an inexhaustible source of mathematical problems in which students can learn and use informally measures, estimate quantities, decimal numbers and fractions, geometry, proportionality … Do you sign up?
  4. Equations with the calculator:
    Exercises for Baccalaureate levels, to solve systems of equations according to the Gauss and Jordan method and have a great time.
  5. Experiments with mathematics:
    And, if you have been wanting more, you can not miss this page full of proposals and experiments of mathematics, but also of physics, chemistry …

For the little ones:

  1. Geometry with jelly beans:
    Learn the characteristics of polygons and discover the properties of polyhedra in the sweetest and funniest way! The proposal consists of creating geometric figures and bodies with chopsticks and goodies. Are you going to miss it?
  2. Multiply with ice cream sticks!:
    Do you want to review the tables and learn a little history? We will multiply as it was before the arrival of the calculators, using the so-called strips, rods or bones of Napier. You will only need some ice cream sticks!
  3. Cooking with numbers:
    So that the little ones understand the fractions, there is nothing like cutting cakes and apples. This makes it much easier to do the sums and, above all, they will understand it much better!
  4. other valuable tips:
  5. Do we play bowling?:
    The classic bowling game is used to develop mathematical skills. Keeping the score while playing is a great way to practice the sum, right?
  6. Mathematics with recycling materials:
    It is as easy as picking up the bottle caps prepared to be thrown in the trash and take them for a new use, learning math while reusing materials. If you like the proposal, do not miss this resource with more similar ideas!

What do you think of our ideas, can you think of other proposals? Share them with other teachers in the math interest group and help us improve education!

Image Credit: Pixabay

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: build a college budget


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Categories: Academics