How to Become a College Tutor

How to Become a College Tutor
  • Opening Intro -

    Students requiring help with assignments can turn to a college tutor to help them get up to speed.

    Such tutors are adept at what they do be that science, mathematics, technology, writing or some other area of expertise.


If you are particularly good in a particular area of study, you may want to consider working as a tutor at your college or you can share your knowledge with and earn money.

1. Contact your student service’s department. College tutors are typically employed directly by the school and are part of its academic or student services department. Get in contact with the appropriate department to being your application.

2. Fill out an application. To tutor, you will need to fill out an inquiry or an employment application with your college. Some schools such as Samuel Merritt University make the process an easy one, by enabling prospective students to apply online. Fill in your contact information, your experience, the days of the week that you are available and attach a resume, if required.

3. Accept an interview. If your qualifications as a tutor make you a desirable candidate, you will be contacted by your college for an interview. Agree to an interview, bring with you a copy of your resume and obtain at least one faculty recommendation.

4. Complete the required training. Some universities require prospective tutors to complete a training course once selected as a tutor. At the University of Georgia, that involves successfully completing a 20-hour tutor training course, yielding one college credit. Upon successfully completing training, tutors are ready to begin work.

5. Get to work. With your training or other prerequisites behind you, you are ready to begin tutoring. Keep record of your instruction time via a time and attendance sheet or related document. Or, you may be required to log in via computer or at the front desk.

Tutoring Benefits

Besides pay, college tutors can gain valuable instructional experience and your tenure as a tutor should be reflected on your resume. Tutors may also receive special consideration for college aid, a benefit your academic department may discuss with you.

College tutors also enjoy knowing that they can help shape and advance the academic progress of their classmates. Most schools require tutors to be upper-level students and possess a very good GPA. Students that tutor can also use their experience to tutor independently, perhaps launching a side business to help both college-bound high school students and college students alike.

See Also On Campus Jobs: What’s Available


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