The Best Hobbies for Introverts

The Best Hobbies for Introverts
  • Opening Intro -

    As an introvert, you need time alone to recharge in some of your free moments.

    Otherwise, you risk burning yourself out from your schoolwork and even your large-group social activities.


You might have a hobby or two to occupy your solitude, but maybe you want to try something different. Maybe you’ve been feeling bored lately. Whatever your reasoning, looking over some of the best hobbies for introverts here may lead you to a fulfilling new pursuit.

Reading and Writing

Many of the movies and shows that people enjoy have their roots in books. The advantage you get with reading, however, is that you’ll get to see the details that movies often omit in their adaptations.

With reading, you can lose yourself in fantastical worlds and adventures, and you can delve even deeper into the text by finding the themes hidden within.

If you are someone who prefers nonfiction, there are plenty of biographies, historical works, and books on philosophy to keep you engrossed and learning for a lifetime.

From there, you may want to find a creative outlet through writing. Taking the vocabulary and stylistic cues from your favorite books, you could start making stories of your own. You could also start a blog on a topic of interest.

Working Out

Many of the most popular sports are team affairs. Still, that doesn’t mean exercise is completely off-limits for someone who wants some alone time. Working out can be more comfortable for you because you don’t need to interact with others constantly while you do it.

You could perform calisthenics in the privacy of your home, go for a solo run in your area, or put in some earbuds and lift weights at the gym. Your main focus in working out is to push your limitations, and this can exhilarate you, especially if you spend most of the day sitting at tables and desks. After an intense session, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to take on more challenges.


Crafting is a broad term that can include many types of projects. The overall idea of it, though, is that you make some sort of decorative piece by hand.

There are many crafting guides you can find on the internet for getting into things like knitting, scrapbooking, or sculpting small figurines out of clay, paper, and other materials. Some people make miniature replicas of larger objects or construct mazes for their pet hamsters.

The options are expansive here, and you can try your hand at as many as you want. As you explore, you might find a particular style of crafting that you enjoy the most and go further into that. Eventually, you’ll be able to make complex crafts that are unique to you.

other valuable tips:


Gaming is a popular activity that many college students enjoy in their spare time. It’s also one of the best hobbies for introverts because you can play videogames peacefully in your room.

If you’re after a high level of solitude, you could choose games like role-playing games (RPGs) that focus on telling stories and which require slower deliberation. You might also be someone who doesn’t mind connecting to others online and playing first-person shooters or multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs).

In fact, you might even make new friends through these channels so that you can play together in the future as well. Buy or build a gaming computer, and get the essential gaming accessories to make your setup the most comfortable it can be.

Image Credit: best hobbies for introverts by Pixabay

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: find and compare textbooks


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