5 Best Services That You Should Sign Up For Today

5 Best Services That You Should Sign Up For Today
  • Opening Intro -

    Being a college student you have to save money for your tuition fee instead of overspending on your entertainment every month.  

    However, you shouldn't have to worry about this issue, because we have services that can help you in your college life...


You’re moving from high school to college.  And now you’ll be starting to face all the hard work on your own. Being a college student you have to save money for your tuition fee instead of overspending on your entertainment every month.  However, you shouldn’t have to worry about this issue, because we have services that can help you in your college life.

Here are the 5 best services that you should sign up for today:

Online Fitness Trackers

Most college students gain weight because of sitting all the time in their chair. It’s very important that you know how to take care of yourself.

By doing that you will need to exercise using these two apps that will help you live that healthy lifestyle you want. Here are two apps:

  • Fit Bit – this app has a lot of benefits that you can use such as tracking your workouts, sleep, heart rate, running, etc.
  • My Fitness Pal – The good thing about this app is that it will track your exercise and also your movements.

PayPal and Venmo

These two options are connected and they will help you get money right away. Using these digital services can help you make it much easier to handle your budget. And you can easily repay your debt to your friends and family.

Having PayPal and Venmo are the easiest options that you can use whenever you want to receive and use to spend. Utilize these two options to make it easier for your financial transactions.

Use Google Apps and Drive

The best thing about google apps is that you can use the storage system. Like for example if you forgot your hard drive and you need it immediately but you can’t get it back.

Use this app to store your important documents and even photos. Google apps and drive are the best options when you want huge storage for your documents and more.


The good thing about Ebates store is they will pay you to shop and you can get 20% back in cash. Why not take advantage of it to help you earn a little extra cash for your studies?

Joining Ebates will give you $10 for free and you can start shopping earning cash as much as you shop.

Amazon Music, Apple Music or Spotify

Music is one of our favorite options when on the go or when we want to relax and just to listen to the tune of the song. All of these services have millions of tracks that you can listen to. Instead of carrying those discs or vinyl records on campus or at home why not choose one of these apps?

As a college student, you can also get a discount and even get a bundle with HULU television and music for a low price. However, if you’re still in high school you’ll have to wait until you become a college student.

Image Credit: best student services by envato.com

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: find you next job


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Categories: Technology