How to Speed Up Your Education: Programs to Look Into

How to Speed Up Your Education: Programs to Look Into
  • Opening Intro -

    Since time immemorial, it is believed that any educational process should be tailor-made per students' capabilities, development stages, knowledge, learning style, and needs.

    However, special education is needed for children with special needs who experience trouble learning behaviors and skills within their curriculum.


The special education curriculum includes all educational services available to children with special needs either in a special or a regular setting. Today, we have special education schools that run from pre-school, primary school, and vocational training centers that provide essential educational skills.

And with that said, there is no better educational plan that can impact a child’s school and learning experience as much as an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

The IEP is a document that outlines your child’s education curriculum based on their individual needs.

This article is compiled to assist you through every step of your child’s IEP journey. It avails necessary information while also bringing your attention to detailed information and insights.

Knowledge is power, and the more you know about IEPs, the better for your child.

Who Needs An IEP?

The IEP is a suitable program for any child from ages 4 to 21 years who either prefer or require special education and other related services.

With the help of teachers, parents, therapists, and other people who regularly contact your child, the IEP curriculum is updated once every year.

The process of creating or updating the IEP is commonly known as the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD).

It is essential to understand how the ARD process works to ensure your child gets the best possible IEP curriculum.

Who should have IEP? Although it is not limited to the following groups, children diagnosed with the following conditions are encouraged to enroll in an IEP:

  1. Autism
  2. Emotional disorder
  3. Learning disabilities
  4. Development delay
  5. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  6. Hearing, speech, or visual impairment

The Referral Process

As a parent, when you notice your child is struggling in the classroom, you can decide to take your child for a learning disability test. After the pertinent information has been gathered, you should know the type of special services your child requires.

To qualify to receive these services, it should be clear that your child’s disability affects their class performance. Once it has been established, a group of experts will further evaluate your child individually.

Once they complete this process, they should develop a comprehensive evaluation report (CER) that details your child’s needs and support they might need.

As a parent, you have the right to go through the report and hold a special meeting with the parties involved to develop an effective IEP for your child.

The Meeting

Your child’s IEP report has to be updated every year before school resumes. Every IEP report has a deadline for which they need to be updated.

Therefore, as a parent, you need to make sure all the stakeholders who interact with your child are present to give their valuable input before settling down on the final IEP report.

Influential people who should attend the meeting include:

  1. The parents or guardian
  2. The child’s case manager
  3. The school counselor
  4. The special education teacher
  5. The physical, occupational, or speech therapist
  6. The general education teacher
  7. The school principal

It is not a must for the child to be present. Remember, you are not limited to the individuals mentioned above; you can invite anyone you think will bring value to the meeting.

It is prudent to note that sometimes these meetings tend to become overwhelming, so it is best not to hurry. You might be forced not to agree with everything and everyone making suggestions about your child; you need to advocate for your child in the meeting.

other valuable tips:


The best way to approach this process is by setting up long and short-term goals for your child. You and the IEP team members should come up with a realistic list of things you think your child will accomplish during that school year.

For instance, some of the academic goals you can set include:

  1. Spelling
  2. Writing
  3. Counting
  4. Letter identification
  5. Reading

On the other hand, some of the functional long-term and short-term goals might include:

  1. Using a computer
  2. Tying a shoe
  3. Self-feeding
  4. Going to the bathroom
  5. Knowing appropriate behavior

In the entire IEP process, always remember your role as a parent is not to agree with everything everyone says about your child. If you feel some goals are not attainable, you should speak up and advocate for your child.

Image Credit: speed uup your education by Pixabay

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: online education programs


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Categories: Education Tips