5 Certifications Everyone Should Get

5 Certifications Everyone Should Get
  • Opening Intro -

    Having the ability to keep someone from further injury after an accident is critical in today's society.

    We are all moving at a breakneck speed, and accidents can happen at any time.


Additionally, being fully trained and certified in CPR and similar emergency responses can be the difference between life and death, even if an ambulance is on the way.

1) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, or CPR

CPR gets a lot of air time; it’s often featured on television as a response to a critical cardiac event. One of the most interesting things about CPR on television vs.

CPR in person is that CPR is vigorous, hard work. If you’ve already had your initial training, you can complete your CPR renewal Online to get your additional certification.

If you have never done CPR on a dummy, try to find an in-person class to get your initial certification. The act of pushing down on a ribcage to get a heart-moving takes a great deal of pressure, and filling up another set of lungs can be exhausting.

Many who do CPR for the first time feel faint and dizzy after the procedure. You’ll want to pay attention to how your body responds to CPR’s work on a dummy before you need to perform it on a person.

2) Automated External Defibrillator, or AED

There are more than 350,000 cardiac arrest events in the United States every year. In addition to knowing CPR, getting your AED training can save the life of a co-worker or a stranger in the grocery store.

Early AED therapy can not only increase the chance that a fluttering heart can be returned to a regular heartbeat, but these tools collect the patient’s history for EMT personnel to report in.

It should be noted thatAED tools are not inexpensive. If you’re planning to invest in one for your business, make sure you have the training to use this critical tool effectively. Many people choose to invest in leasing an AED tool. An AED lease can include

  1. regular checks to make sure the device is fully charged
  2. history reviews if it gets used
  3. training to use the tool

3) Swimming and Water Safety

A child or an adult in physical distress can drown in very little water. If you spend time at a waterpark or a pool during the warm months of the year, the ability to

  1. notice when a swimmer is in distress
  2. get them safely out of the water,
  3. do resuscitation if necessary
  4. calm them down and get them breathing freely is critical.

If you don’t know how to save a drowning swimmer, knowing your limitations can save your life as well as the person in trouble. Finally, if you’re taking your family to a pool or a waterpark, make sure that your children can swim at least well enough to move onto their back and float until help comes.

4) Babysitting and Childcare

Even if you’re not interested in babysitting or childcare, the ability to notice when a child is in trouble can save a life. For example, babies can easily choke on food or toys. If you notice a child is choking in a restaurant, the Heimlich won’t work.

other valuable tips:

Using back blows to clear something in the airway of a child can lead to injuries if you don’t know what you’re doing. This motion should be combined with chest thrusts.

Hands-on therapies when helping a child should be practiced on a dummy first so you have a grasp of the resistance you’ll feel. Get certified!

5) Basic Life Support

Basic life support includes both CPR and choking response. Additionally, basic life support consists of reviewing observational habits you’ll want to get into when you come upon a wounded person.

For example, if you find a child who’s taken a tumble off of a bicycle, you’ll want to keep them still in case they’ve broken something. You’ll also want to ask them if they’re hungry and when they last ate or had something to drink.

If they need surgery, they’ll have to have an empty stomach for safe anesthetic. You can share this information with the EMT personnel.

Safety certifications are a lot like insurance. You get it in the hope of never using it. However, anyone can become a lifesaver with the right training. Stop, observe, and act if you see someone in trouble.

Image Credit: life saving certifications by envato.com

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