Easy College Travel Options That Won’t Break Your Budget

Easy College Travel Options That Won’t Break Your Budget
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    It might seem like traveling is a costly endeavor, but it doesn't have to be.

    You can travel on a budget while in college, instead of waiting until you are graduated and out of debt.


All you need is the right options. The following are some alternative options you might not have considered just yet.

Localized Tourism

Most people want to be a tourist in some distant country, and while this is a fun thing to do, it can also be quite expensive. The good thing is you don’t have to travel that far to be a tourist. The likelihood that there’s a town or city nearby that you’ve never been to is high.

Check out towns near you, which could be a few miles away, and visit one of them. Go to the town or city’s website to find out what visitors can do. You might be missing out on a great local farm or haunted house you never heard of.

Get to Camping

Yes, the other thing you can do is camp. There are camping opportunities in each state. You can travel as far as you want to camp, or you can find a spot to camp nearby if you want to reduce the amount of gasoline you spend on this camping trip.

If you happen to be in N.J., you can research camping in NJ or your particular locale to find out the best camping spots around.

The reason camping is so cheap is that you don’t have to spend money on hotel rooms. You can travel with your family or friends and have enough room for everyone.

If you want to take things up a notch, you can even hunt and forage for the food you eat, provided you know how to do this.

Using Home Sharing

Home-sharing sites and apps continue to spring up, and you should take advantage of them. They allow you to travel without spending so much.

You get to stay in a regular person’s home. You may be able to book the whole house or a room or couch.

It’s not a hotel, so you don’t get everything you’ve grown accustomed to, like room service, but what you can get is a discounted rate, compared to what you might pay at a hotel.

You also get the chance to talk to someone local. This person can tell you what to do during your visit. People who travel usually spend most of their money on hotels, but if you choose the right places, you can cut the cost a bit. You can also look into home swapping where you trade places with someone, which means you won’t pay anything to stay in your accommodations as you travel.

Group Traveling

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is travel with a group. A group means you can spread the costs, and that means everyone will spend less during the trip. Remember that traveling as a group can give you a few perks you might not have considered.

When you book a flight as a group, sometimes, you’re offered a discount. The same thing could happen if you reserve a restaurant as a group. It’s important to go over what everyone is expected to contribute to the trip to make it as fair as possible. The clearer you are about what’s expected, the smoother things should go.

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Farmhand Traveling

Those who don’t mind doing a little manual labor can travel quite cheaply. The idea is pretty simple. You’re going to be a farmhand on some farm somewhere. Usually, you work with small farms. These farms need help with all sorts of things, from tending animals to cleaning up along with other things.

In exchange for all the work you do on their farm, you get to stay on the farm for free, and sometimes, they offer food to the workers. It’s a great way to travel because you won’t have to spend much on hotels and sometimes even food. You’ll get a chance to meet new people, and you’ll also learn how to do farm work that you can use in your life if you’ve ever considered growing or raising your own food.


These are great alternative travel options you can choose when in college. Traveling isn’t only for rich people. You can see the world just the same. All you have to do is get creative.

Image Credit: easy college travel options by envato.com

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: need extra money for school?


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Categories: Traveling Student