Yankees Show Some Hokie Spirit


Last April, a gunman went on a murderous rampage on the Virginia Tech campus, leaving 32 dead along the way. The outpouring of grief from members of the Hokie community was aired around the world, shining a spotlight on a campus stunned by this tragedy.

As it often seems to happen, such tragedies eventually seem to fade away, at least on the national level. This is unfortunate as important lessons still need to be learned and lives remembered.

One group of men hasn’t forgotten what happened at Virginia Tech and they made good on a promise made last year: the New York Yankees team would visit the Hokies’ campus and play an exhibition game against VT.

On March 18, a bus transporting the Yankees arrived in Blacksburg, stopping at Drill Field, the memorial for those who were slain. Later, the two teams met and played a game won by the Yankees 11-0, but it wasn’t the score that mattered: the Yankees came to town to offer what support they could to the community, a gesture that was warmly received by the Hokie faithful.

Principal owner George Steinbrenner responded to the shootings by donating one million dollars to the VT memorial fund. In addition, he asked that team officials make arrangements to set up the practice game. Although the Yankees do not have any connections to the VT community, the team wanted to show solidarity with the Hokies.

In a fitting tribute, the Yankees wore maroon and orange hats during the game with the Yankees logo embroidered on the front, the VT logo on the side.

(Source: The New York Times)


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