How To Build A Stellar Resume Fresh Out Of College

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    Graduating from college is a defining moment in a young adult’s life.

    With graduation comes increased levels of freedom and responsibility.


While graduation can be a time of joy for many people, it can also be a stressful experience. Students must transition from the academic world into the harsh world of corporate life. While building a resume can be challenging, there are a number of simple tips and tricks that can help a student build a stellar resume fresh out of college.

When working on a resume, it’s important to make sure that it targets the job that one wants to get. If a resume just lists general information about a person, a human resources employee is apt to ignore it. However, if a resume lists skills and experience that are relevant to a particular job, it may be possible for a student to land an interview.

When listing skills, it’s important to avoid obvious ones. There’s no need to put that one is competent with Microsoft Word on a resume. If an individual is able to type a resume, a hiring manager can assume that he or she is probably competent with Microsoft Office.

It’s also important to make sure that an individual has listed his or her previous work experience on a resume. Since many college graduates haven’t had formal work experience, it can be difficult to know what one should put down on a resume. 

It’s a good idea to look through one’s past and find examples of previous experiences that may be relevant to a job. For example, working as the treasurer for a campus group can be a great way to demonstrate financial responsibility to a potential employer. In addition, lab work or portfolios can be a great way to demonstrate an individual’s previous experience.

When creating a resume, it’s also a good idea to make sure one appears to be well-socialized. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a solitary lifestyle, this may not be something that employers consider a plus. Most employers prefer to hire employers that work well with other people.

An individual’s hobbies can reveal a lot about his or her personality. For example, an individual who enjoys reading may be considered introverted by some employees. In some cases, this may lead to an individual not getting a certain job position. 

Many employers are willing to hire an individual who has played in team sports. When an individual plays team sports, he or she must work with a wide variety of players to achieve a goal. Like in the workplace, cooperation can be a powerful tool for achieving success. If a student has played sports like football, basketball or soccer, it’s a good idea to list them. However, it’s usually a good idea to avoid sports like golf, bowling and other non-team oriented sports.

It’s also a good idea to avoid any mention of extreme sports or extreme activities. While skydiving can be a rewarding experience for many people, it’s important to remember that many people consider the sport very dangerous. Because of this, a hiring manager may question an individual’s judgement if he or she engages in these types of sports. Unless an individual has accomplished something special in an extreme sport, it’s a good idea to leave it off one’s resume.

A professional resume writing service can also be a good tool for students. By hiring a professional, it’s possible to be sure that one is putting his or her best foot forward. 

This article was written by Roy McClure for the team at Santa Fe University; be sure to learn about their arts management program as well as other programs.


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Categories: Career Planning