Early 2000’s kids’ toy nostalgia takes pre-millennials back to their first iPods (Nanos!), Xboxes, sneakers with wheels built right in, and their Silly Bandz collections. Here is a closer look at some of the favorites from early Y2K.
Xbox and Halo
In November of 2001 Microsoft released the first Xbox console at the Times Square Toys “R” Us in New York City. The introduction of the game Halo changed the face of gaming altogether. Soon after, upgraded technology produced Xbox Live. The new console made it possible to download content and allowed multiple players to interact. It was history in the making.
Rolling Out the Heelys
A lawyer named Roger Adams had a bad year, and then he had a dream. It was a daydream, actually. He thought how great it would be if you could just shift your weight and roll away. So he invented Heelys, the phenomenally popular sport shoes with a wheel (or two) built right into the heel. The alignment concept was similar to that of inline skates. Heelys let the wearer do ground tricks, stalls, and even grinds if the shoes had a nylon pad. The skater could break with the back of the foot, or not at all. The whole world became a skate park. This is why so many, many people loved Heelys. It is also why so many, many schools came to hate them.
Silly Bandz Bonanza
In 2002 a Japanese engineer was trying to design a more environmentally friendly rubber band. He wanted people to reuse them instead of throwing them away. Entrepreneur Robert Croak picked up that idea and produced Silly Bandz. They were bright plastic bracelets that came in multi packs. They stretched to go around a wrist, an ankle, or a ponytail. When pulled off they snapped back neatly into the shape of a duck, or a strawberry, or SpongeBob. If someone collected them all, he or she would have a gazillion. Some tried. Without a doubt many hundreds of Silly Bandz are still holding stuff together in junk drawers across America.
Razor Scooter Renaissance
Yet another Japanese designer played an early role in the development of a beloved early 2000s play thing. It seems the gentleman was a little on the short side and wanted a better way to get across a large factory floor. He revived the concept of the old scooter. Not only was it efficient, it was unquestionably more fun. Reborn in California, the Razor Scooter was made of airplane grade aluminum that could withstand considerable weight. The scooter sported gel-like polyurethane wheels in neon colors and a rear fender brake. Today pro scooters are designed for extreme tricks, but plenty of street stunts were invented with those early Razor scooters.
It is fun to look back with nostalgia on the old toys, and see how some of them have transformed into what we play with today. People are still gaming and downloading onto iPods. It is still easy to spot a forearm covered wrist to elbow in bright silicone bracelets. Everyday kids are jumping curbs on their scooters, practicing for the X Games. All that stuff is still cool.
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