According to The Association of Boarding Schools, the figures are not as impressive for other types of school: 71% of private school attendees and only 39% of public school students claim they are ready to take on college or university-level learning (source:
Here are some of the reasons enrolling a student in boarding school will prepare him or her for college better than public or private schools.
Living Away From Home
For a lot of teenagers, moving away to college is their first experience being away from home for an extended period of time. Living away from their parents is a huge adjustment that students must deal with on top of all the other new experiences college brings—making new friends, taking harder classes, and so on.
When students have already experienced living away from home while attending boarding school, they have no problem adjusting to living on their own in college. They’ve already had practice managing their time and exercising their independence responsibly. This head-start on important life skills allows them to focus on their classes and coursework.
Harder Classes
Boarding schools are known for having rigorous academic programs, and would you expect any less out of a place where students live at school? Boarding schools often go above and beyond the state’s minimum curriculum requirements. Boarding school students take harder classes and do more homework than their private or public school counterparts (source: George School).
Class sizes in boarding schools are smaller than public schools, so the students get a more personalized education. They also have a harder time slipping under the radar and coasting through class. In a small class, the teacher notices if you aren’t participating or contributing to class discussions. Learning to contribute in a classroom and follow up on the homework assignments is crucial to success in college.
Boarding schools typically have well-stocked library facilities and media centers, which serve as excellent research resources. Universities have comparable information resources, and many college classes require students to use the library for research in their coursework.
College-Minded Peers
Since education laws don’t require any person to attend college, and tuition fees are so high, college classrooms are usually full of students who actually want to be there. Such an atmosphere fosters positive attitudes about learning. Boarding schools cultivate a similar atmosphere. Since everyone is taking hard classes and striving to get into college, it’s cool to be smart. Nobody has to feel like they need to limit his or her academic achievement just to fit in.
A teenager who is surrounded by others planning their college educations is more likely to choose to go to college than a teenager who is surrounded by high-school drop outs. Most of the students in a boarding school are planning on attending college, and encourage each other to do the same.
Extra-Curricular Involvement
One surefire way to enjoy your college experience is to get involved (source: Western Nebraska Community College). Boarding schools are also known for extra-curricular activities that keep students busy and unite them as a student body.
A lot of the activities boarding schools offer can also be found in colleges and universities. Boarding schools offer activities such as intramural leagues, exercise classes, dances, theme park visits, cross country national park tours, BBQ’s, and fun summer activities (source: Midwest Academy). Every boarding school and college offers different clubs, programs, and activities, but learning to be involved in boarding school activities will help students get involved when they head to college.
A student’s readiness for college has a lot to do with their attitude towards education, but it also has to do with the experiences they have before they graduate high school. If you think your child could use the extra encouragement and preparation before heading to college, consider enrolling him or her in a boarding school.
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