HS College Planning Tip: week of Mar 15

HS College Planning Tip: week of Mar 15
  • Opening Intro -

    Many scholarships will require an essay for consideration. Get help reviewing your essay from experts.


March is scholarship essay completion time

Many scholarships will require an essay for consideration. Get help reviewing your essay from experts:

Scholarship essay resources:

There are plenty of scholarships available.
So do your research:

begin your search for over $24.3 billion
worth of scholarships and grants in one location

Beware of potential scholarship scams:

there are unscrupulous web sites and email campaigns that are trying to get your money. A general rule to follow is,
"if they request money from you in order to get money",

they are likely a scam:

Detecting/reporting scholarship scams:
from the FTC: information about scholarship scams: www.ftc.gov



More information available:



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Categories: College Planning