How Technology and Your Career Choice are Now Intertwined

How Technology and Your Career Choice are Now Intertwined
  • Opening Intro -

    There are times when making the right career choice was easy. Today, things are different.

    Before making a career choice, you need to consider more than passion.


Introduction Career Choice

There are times when making the right career choice was easy. Today, things are different. Before making a career choice, you need to consider more than passion. Visit this site for more information on that.

Technology has changed everything. It has brought along so many advantages. It has simply made life easier. From traveling and communication, to advancement of health services, technology has its magical touch on every field. It has also brought change to the traditional ways of making career choices.

How is technology changing the job market?

By making some careers irrelevant.

Further technological advancements will make some skills inapplicable. This is likely to affect photographers, accountants, cashiers and call center employees among others. This is because there are some applications that allow you to do some of these things at the comfort of your home. Why hire a professional photographer if you can take a high quality photo using your phone?

With the availability of banking applications, the number of accountants needed is dropping. Technology may not take over in a day. It will take some time. However, we will realize some of these effects with time.

Birth of new careers

Technology-related job opportunities are coming up daily. The demand for IT-related careers is high. You should not expect this to change anytime soon. In fact, the demand should go higher. These include Web and development, IT architecture and project management among others.

So, here’s how to consider technology in making a career choice.

1. Choose a ‘technology-proof’ career.

Taking the field of medicine as an example. You can be sure that human nurses and doctors will still be needed in future. Technology will sure change the field of medicine. However, it is less likely to interfere with its job market.

2. Add a touch of technology to your career.

If there are any technological skills needed for the career path you choose, ensure that you have them. This is one way to make sure that your job is secure. For example, be a statistical analyst with the knowledge on how to use more than one statistical package.

3. Choose a technology-related career.

This is an almost-sure way to secure a job.

What should you expect regarding this?

Technological advancement will not exclusively lead to unemployment. Some skills will become irrelevant. The technology of automation like artificial intelligence and robots will be a threat to some careers, especially those involving manual jobs.

However, other suitable jobs will come up. It will give you the power to do almost everything with ease.


There you have it. Technology should be one of the main factors affecting your career choice today. Think beyond today. Make a choice that will benefit you in future.

Why keep this information to yourself? Sharing is beautiful. Share this among your friends and relatives and help them make good career choices. They will thank you in future. It will also make you feel better.

College Financing reference:

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Categories: Career Planning