There are certain disciplines which not only educate you, but also ensure you’ll get secure employment after graduation. Should you be determined to find a career that’s going to last, you need to consider your major thoughtfully. Here are four fields of study that will practically guarantee you a job.
A career in medicine is perhaps the most stable in today’s job market. As long as people get sick, there will be a need for medical professionals. This could be enrolling in a medical or dental school. It could also mean getting a nursing degree or taking part in a medical assistant program.
If you are interested in seeking a cure for cancer, you might consider becoming an oncologist. If you want to help with the delivery of babies, you might become an obstetrician. There are so many choices at your disposal, and any of them can make the world a better place.
Educators will always be essential in our society. As such, you can count on getting a job with a degree in education. This will apply regardless of where you choose to live.
What’s more, education is a discipline that can shape the minds of younger generations. As a teacher, you need to teach your students to become their best possible selves. In the process, you can become even better yourself.
Computer Science
Think of just how much computer technology has advanced in even the last five years. The reason we’re able to use things like email and advanced software with ease is because of people involved in computer science, such as software developers.
Computer science is a continually growing field, and you can rest assured there will be work opportunities for you. As a computer science major, you can get a look behind the curtain to see just how your gadgets work. The hours spent coding and testing software will be worth it when you’re finally able to get it to work.
other valuable tips:
We live in a world of business, and business owners depend on accountants. With a degree in accounting, you’ll be able to work in a variety of positions, whether as a CPA, a government accountant, or an auditor.
A solid accounting school can give you the training and education you need in order to be an ace accountant. Some of the best qualities of an accountant are attention to detail, concentration, and problem-solving skills.
The best fields of study are ones that will provide you with job security and a career that you know you would be passionate about. Even if you didn’t see yourself performing any of these jobs in the past, you can still learn to incorporate yourself in any of them. Knowing that you’re in a rewarding career that will keep you gainfully employed is a tremendous blessing.
Image Credit: Pixabay
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