Ways To Stay Safe In College

Ways To Stay Safe In College
  • Opening Intro -

    Majority of schools provide a safe environment for college students to study and make friends.

    However, it is good to take safety measures as a person while in school.


For some students, it is their first time living on their own away from home.

There is a tendency of gaining a false sense of security when around your peers thinking that they are all as honest as you are. It is important you realize that you are not sure of who to trust in the university bubble. There are ways you can prevent yourself from putting yourself into harmful situations.

The following safety tips can help you through this:

  • 1. Learn the Campus

  • Some colleges are set up in secluded areas with no enough lighting at night. Others are set up in urban areas with no enough security even during the day. Make sure you know your campus well and its surroundings so that you can be hanging out in the safe areas only.
  • 2. Have a plan and let someone know about it

  • It is important to let someone know about your plans. If you don’t come back within the expected time, they can call for help.
  • 3. Avoid walking alone at night

  • Walking alone in the night can be troublesome. If need be, walk with someone during this time.
  • 4. Carry with you some emergency cash

  • Have some cash with you in case of anything. You will be safe and able to get out of scary situations as quick as possible.
  • 5. Make it a habit to lock your doors

  • Lock your doors especially when you are alone or asleep. Don’t be too confident on matters of safety in college dorms.
  • 6. Know where the emergency areas are around college

  • Locate the emergency buttons and phones around your school for emergency purposes. Locate the emergency systems as well. This will help you know where you can call for help in case of trouble.
  • 7. Be cautious with who you trust

  • Do not be too comfortable around your friends. You met them at school and you don’t know much about their past and how they really are. Take your time, those around you must earn your trust first.
  • 8. Stay sober

  • Bad things happen to people anytime but those who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs are more vulnerable to trouble. They tend to be easily stolen from, encounters with sexual abusers, and get into groups of drunk college mates.
other valuable tips:
  • 9. Always have emergency contacts with you

  • It is even much easier if you have a smartphone. you can program emergency numbers into it. You can also list emergency numbers and info in your planner if you have one. Use all the available tools you have to keep emergency numbers.
  • 10. Protect your privacy

  • Always choose your room over anyone else’s. You have more control in your room than in any other strange place. When trouble comes, you will know what to do and who would hear and come for help. If you want to get intimate with someone, let it be at your place.

Now you know what to do to stay safe in college. Share widely so that your college mates can learn about the above campus safety tips as well.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: state-by-state travel guides


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Categories: Campus Safety