How To Handle a Tire Blowout on the Road

How To Handle a Tire Blowout on the Road
  • Opening Intro -

    Every driver knows there are occasional unforeseen obstacles on the road.

    Tire pieces, shattered glass, chunks of metal—everything and anything you can imagine can end up smack dab in the middle of the road.


Regardless of where you go to college and how busy the streets are, you aren’t impervious to this debris. Here’s how to handle a tire blowout on the road.

Slow Down Gradually

The first thing you want to do when you feel and hear your tire pop is to slow to a complete stop. However, you must do this gradually. If you slam on the brakes, you could damage your wheel and braking system, creating more problems for yourself. Your immediate reaction may be to jerk the wheel or press the brake hard, but keeping yourself calm and steady is the best choice.

Pull Off the Road

As you slow down, you must pull over to the side of the road. Many states require that any vehicle able to move out of traffic must do so, even after an accident. Apart from the law, you’ll also want to avoid problems with passing traffic.

Put on your hazard lights and separate from moving traffic. The further you are from moving cars, the safer you will be stepping out of the vehicle and addressing the blown tire.

Call For Help

If you’re driving to college for the first time or you’re in an unfamiliar place, you should call for help on your phone. Try contacting roadside assistance from AAA or your insurance agent. You can also call 911 to engage public services, which you should always do first if someone sustained injuries in the accident.

A police dispatcher can help you navigate the tire replacement process and get service teams on their way. These teams may come outfitted with equipment to quickly put a spare on your car and get you to a repair shop.

For example, if a large piece of debris in the leftmost lane of highway traffic causes several blown tires, you’ll want to call 911. Not only do you need assistance for yourself, but a team must come and clear that object from the road, so other drivers don’t sustain the same damage.

Prevent the Next One

After you get back on the road, you will be hypervigilant and avoid all obstacles in your path. However, it would help if you channeled this nervous energy into proactivity. Check your tire wear and tear regularly and know the signs you need new tires.

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Large debris often causes blowouts, but there are other risk factors that increase your likelihood of an accident. Watch your car for underinflated tires, worn treads, or capacity overloading.

Knowing how to handle a tire blowout on the road can save you from the massive headache of going it alone. Always ask for help and watch for the warning signs ahead of time to avoid any future problems.

Image Credit: how to handle a tire blowout on the road by

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Categories: Campus Cars