How to Encourage Alumni Networking

How to Encourage Alumni Networking
  • Opening Intro -

    When you run a school or higher learning institution, you will see students continually passing through your doors and going onto different career paths.

    However, rather than them all existing in their own separate universes, it is certainly worth getting them interacting closely with one another.


A school with a strong alumni network has all sorts of different advantages over those who simply let their former students scatter into the wind. So, how do you go about encouraging alumni networking? In truth, there are several ways to go about it.

Let’s look in more detail at a few of them right here and now.

Use the Right Networking Platform

While there are plenty of social media platforms that are already built for networking, there are more and more that are specifically created with schools and universities in mind. So, it is certainly worth looking into using an alumni networking platform.

Check out the different pros and cons of each, and also take the time to analyze what your direct competitors are doing. Above all else, you need to choose one that is highly accessible and easy to use.

Do not only think about your fresh graduates who are already comfortable with technology in all its forms. You also need to keep your older grads in mind who may not use the internet on a regular basis. However, online platforms like this are a great place to begin.

Create Networking Events

The next obvious step that you can take is to create networking events that are specifically designed to connect your former graduates. In the modern world, many of these are likely to take place online, but you can still add value by bringing in guest speakers, giving presentations, etc.

Online networking helps to remove the barriers that distance brings. At the same time, it is still worth having some face-to-face events as these still cannot be replaced for many people.

Again, you need to think about the ways in which you are going to get people socializing comfortably with one another.

Maintain Your Social Media Channels

You need to make sure that you are running social media channels that are updated with regular content. LinkedIn is a popular choice for people in a professional capacity.

Posting articles and asking for the opinion of your alumni is a good way of helping to open up a two-way stream of dialogue. It is also a good idea to ensure that you are proactive in commenting on the success of your alumni and congratulating them when you see positive news stories that are directly related to their achievements.

Hopefully, they are in no small part down to what you have done at your learning institution, and you can go a long way towards highlighting this to prospective candidates in the future.

Encouraging alumni networking is an ongoing challenge and is worth taking seriously as it can bring all sorts of benefits directly to your school, such as creating a lasting positive impression and helping boost donations.

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