Campus Life
Cash For Clunkers? Good Riddance!
Tweet President Obama quickly signed into law what is billed as “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” a $787 billion package which he hopes will help stimulate the economy. That
Michigan Researcher Finds Benefits In Valentine Foods
Tweet College students are often singled out for their poor eating habits with some researchers warning that the habits formed over their campus years may stay with them for life.
Kia Forte Offers Smart Styling, Cool Price
Tweet At this week’s Chicago Auto Show, Kia Motors rolled out their latest offering, a five passenger compact sedan called the Forte. Replacing its best selling car, the bland Spectra,
Is It Time To Dump That Loser This Valentine’s Day?
Tweet Go ahead and admit it: that person in your life who has stolen your heart has taken more than he/she should have. For some reason you have kept them
Free College Textbooks: Fad or Fabulous?
Tweet Let’s face it: college is expensive. Way too expensive! Worse, the cost of higher education continues to rise at a faster rate than inflation, making it very difficult for
Are You Doing Enough To Avoid The Flu?
Tweet Flu season is here and with it comes the chance of contracting an illness that can knock you down for a week or more and, in certain cases, even
Textbook Tuesday: Are You Ready For It?
The very same day that Barack Obama takes the oath of office to become the 44th president of these United States is the day that you should be thinking about your college textbook purchase.
Does Healthy Eating And College Mix?
College cafeterias have come a long way and are far removed from the days when “mystery meat” or some sort of gray gruel was served up.
Will You Embrace The Kia Soul?
When the Kia Soul makes its debut, buyers will have the ability to customize their rides thanks to a variety of from the factory and aftermarket decal options including the one pictured here
Do College Drinking Games Lead To Lifelong Problems?
Tweet You’ve seen it around campus, you probably know quite a few people who imbibe to excess and you may even do it yourself. What am I talking about? Binge
Online Biz: Should You? Could You?
Tweet As someone who is active in social media, I come across a variety of people of all ages and of many backgrounds while surfing the ‘net. Some are in
Making The Most Of Your College Break
Tweet Congratulations! This is the first weekday morning in a long time that you don’t have to get up early, brush your teeth, comb your hair (or not), swig some