College Budgeting

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College Budgeting Finance

You Can Save Big Bucks On College Tuition

Tweet Anyone who has opened up their investment account statement since the stock market nose-dived earlier this fall has come face to face with a grim reality: monies saved for

College Budgeting FAFSA Form Tips Finance Scholarships Student Loans

How To Beat The High Cost Of College

Tweet College tuition costs continue to rise, outstripping the rate of inflation year in and year out. Add in room and board, fees, books, labs and related expenses and the

College Budgeting Personal Advice

Cash Access and the College Student

Tweet Students who are away at college, far from even the expanded reach of their parents, often face a dilemma when it comes to money: they don’t have enough of

College Budgeting

Prepaid College Tuition? Nice!

Tweet Higher education expenses continue to soar, worrying parents whose children are now winding their way through college. Talk to parents of children who are several years away from college

College Budgeting Finance Student Loans

$100 Million Set Aside For Illinois College Students

Tweet Illinois college students got some very good news over the weekend. No, it wasn’t the Fighting Illini’s 47-21 Saturday gridiron thrashing of in-state rival, EIU, rather it was the

College Budgeting Finance

College Scholarships? Free Money, Indeed!

Tweet An important, but often overlooked part of the college financial aid process are scholarships, those awards made by corporations, civic groups, churches, unions, private individuals, and foundations. Billions of

College Budgeting Finance Student Loans

Student Aid Is Tougher To Find

Tweet With college students returning to classes in droves over the coming days, many parents are still scrambling for ways to cover the cost of higher education. A tough economy

College Budgeting Education Tips Finance

High School Senior: Future College Freshman

Tweet College Countdown — One Year Left! High school seniors are returning to school this year with mixed feelings: on the one hand they’ll really enjoy being at the top

Campus News College Budgeting Finance Scholarships

Andrew Jackson University Goes Tuition Free

Tweet This article isn’t an endorsement of Andrew Jackson University, rather it is our way of shining the light on the various happenings across academia. Probably the most important concern

College Budgeting Personal Advice

Student Credit Cards For Life’s Emergencies

Tweet Your student son or daughter is heading off to school in a few weeks and everything is in place. You’ve seen to it that clothes have been purchased, a

College Budgeting

Can You Save Big By Renting College Textbooks?

Tweet Last April, SayCampusLife ran an article titled, “Kiss Your College Bookstore Good-Bye” where we shared some options students have besides buying their books at the college bookstore. After all,

College Budgeting Finance Student Loans

The Fundamentals of Your College Budget

Tweet It is summer, the beach beckons, and all your friends want you to hang out with them. Thoughts of getting ready for college seem crazy right now, but coming