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Campus Cars

Hyundai Accent Is Still No. 1!

Tweet There is some good news for college students and their families who are looking for a car. Earlier this month, we reported that the Nissan Versa 1.6 was now


Rhodes Scholarship Recipients Announced

Tweet Oxford University is one of the oldest universities in the world, established in the last 12th century, with related local lectures from the 11th century ascribed to the university.

Collegiate Sports NCAA Football

Late Season Action Marks College Football This Week

Tweet For some college football teams the regular season has come to an end. All that is left is to wait for bowl assignments or, in the case of the

Campus News Personal Advice

New Blog Encourages College Students To Stay The Course

Tweet One of the biggest challenges facing college students is the desire to quit school before obtaining their degree. Money, time, and a whole host of other issues can conspire

Campus News

World’s Best Universities, The Exclusive List

Tweet US News & World Report has long ranked the best American colleges and universities. Their annual list is prized by prospective students, current students, alumnae, and school officials who

Collegiate Sports NCAA Football

Last Legs: Season Ending Weekend For Some Gridiron Teams

Tweet Being a schedule maker for college football teams must be an interesting profession, though that job usually falls upon the capable shoulders of the school’s Athletic Director. Filling out

Campus Cars

New Car For My Kid? What, Are You Nuts?!

Tweet If your son or daughter lives on campus — far away from home — what sort of transportation do they rely on? Public transportation? Ride sharing with other students?

College Budgeting Personal Advice

Cash Access and the College Student

Tweet Students who are away at college, far from even the expanded reach of their parents, often face a dilemma when it comes to money: they don’t have enough of


Scholarship Money Is Still Widely Available

Tweet The mortgage meltdown and credit crunch have conspired to shake consumer confidence to its very core. Lots of people are trying to figure out how they’ll pay for college

Collegiate Sports NCAA Basketball

Are You Ready For Some Basketball?

Tweet The men’s (and women’s) college basketball season is just getting underway, a season that starts early, but really doesn’t start to get going until after the New Year. Men’s

Campus Cars

Prepare Young Drivers For Winter’s Fury Now!

Tweet One of the chief concerns for parents of college students is how their offspring is functioning while at college. Is he eating the right foods? Is she safe walking

Personal Advice

Where To Find A Part Time Job While Attending College

Tweet College life isn’t just attending classes with many students balancing campus clubs or even part time jobs while pursuing a degree. A handful of students manage to work full