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Campus Safety

Reasons To Keep an EMS Kit in Your Dorm Room

College life is an exciting adventure filled with new experiences and challenges. While the focus often remains on academics and social activities, safety is equally important.

Campus Safety

Teachers Should Know These Human Trafficking Warning Signs

Being a teacher is a rewarding job, but there’s a responsibility to keep kids safe. These are the human trafficking warning signs every teacher should know.

Campus Safety

5 Smart Tips for Staying Safe on Campus

As we head into the second part of the school year, it’s important to make safe choices.

Campus Safety

Unattended Vehicle? How To Protect Your Car On College Campus

If you’re driving your car to school and it’s left in the parking area, you should take extra precautions to avoid vandalism and theft. There are other contributing factors to determine if your car is truly safe on campus including a security professional and the use of cameras.

Campus Safety

Personal Safety Tips: How to Stay Safe in 3 Common College Scenarios

I know your new found independence since you moved from home is amazing. You are no longer living by your parents’ rules.

Campus Safety

4 Steps College Administrators Can Take to Keep Students Safe

While colleges serve as a means for students to learn, academic success can only really be achieved when everyone on campus feels safe.

Campus Safety

How Young College Freshmen Can Stay Safe on Campus

A false sense of security carried on from childhood often leads college freshmen to believe college is a safe haven for them. The reality is, college campuses are not as safe as you might think.

College Living

7 Key Safety Tips Every College Student Should Be Aware Of

Safety measures such as campus security staff, campus escort services and call boxes in parking areas are common in most colleges. This shows that learning institutions take the security of their students seriously and that is why they go to such lengths to protect them.

Campus Life

University Life: How to Prevent Crime on Your College Campus

Crime on college campuses ranges from minor offenses like drug use or petty theft to major offenses like active shooter incidents.

Education Tips

Off to College: What to Expect

Tweet Deep inside many first-year students are scared witless, fearful that they’ll be quickly figured out for who they really are: individuals who don’t quite know what to expect and