Tag "cover letter"
Career Planning
4 Job Finding Tips for New Grads
Tweet Like thousands of other graduates, you’ve finished school, but you don’t have a job. That’s understandable given that unemployment is about 9 percent and lots of people who are
Career Planning
Personal Advice
Job Hunting Tips, Professor Style
Tweet 10 Tips For Job Seekers Job seeking college graduates may find the going tough as they speak with recruiters, meet with potential employers, or otherwise observe the job market.
Career Planning
Job Prep: Write A Better Resume
Tweet If you are a college senior, before long you’ll be interviewing with companies in preparation to leave academia for the business world. Lots of your fellow students will be
Career Planning
Career Prep: Crafting Your Cover Letter
Tweet This is one in an ongoing series of articles to help college seniors prepare themselves for their careers. The last time that we discussed career preparation, we took a