If you are a college senior, before long you’ll be interviewing with companies in preparation to leave academia for the business world. Lots of your fellow students will be moving on with you while a small number will continue their studies on the master’s level.
One of the most important documents that you will need when interviewing is your resume. These days, a lot of people have decided to forego their hard copies and have, instead, posted all of their details online. Though this is a great thing to do, as a new job seeker you should be prepared to submit a paper copy upon request.
I’m not going to share the point by point details of resume writing, as I outlined that information previously in an article titled: Career Prep: Building Your Resume. In addition, you can find articles about cover letters and references which will help you with your job quest.
What I want to help you with are the finer points of your resume, those details which can really set you apart from other candidates. In this competitive world and tight economy you need every edge that you can get. The following are those finer points to remember when you build your resume:
Your contact information — How will prospective employees contact you? If you’re still in college and interviewing for work, make certain that you supply a cell phone number and an email address for prospective employers to keep in touch with you. BTW, don’t use a sexually suggestive or silly email address — hotgirl @ aol.com just doesn’t cut it!
No work experience — You may have tons of academic experience, but little work experience to show for it. That’s okay, if you are a gifted student finding time to hold down any job can be next to impossible to do. Instead, emphasize your extracurricular activities including your role as treasurer for your club, organizing skills for your sorority, special assistance given to your professor, etc.
Academic achievements — If you were a dean’s list recipient, president’s scholar, or won any type of award or was recognized for an achievement, you’ll want to include that information on your resume as well. List your GPA, especially if it was a high one, mention scholarships received, particularly if they were given for academic excellence, and more.
Nail down your references — Though you will want to list your references separately, start putting together a list of three or four people who will be willing to vouch for you academically, via a job, or through your church or club. These people must know you well enough to provide a compelling reason to anyone who calls why you would be an asset to the firm. Separately, get your letters of recommendation as soon as possible and copies of them to employers.
The internet offers terrific examples on how to build a resume as does your college career center. Get started now and you’ll remove a huge amount of stress from your life. Keep paper and electronic copies of your resume handy and go ahead and build that website featuring your biography, resume, and other pertinent information.
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