Tag "dorm safety"
Campus Safety
6 College Safety Tips For Both New and Returning Students
College can be exciting and fun for both new and returning students. And the exciting part is getting to know your new classmates.
Campus Safety
Personal Safety Tips: How to Stay Safe in 3 Common College Scenarios
I know your new found independence since you moved from home is amazing. You are no longer living by your parents’ rules.
College Living
Dorm Room Theft: Ways to Prevent It
Living in a dorm is awesome! This is where you party hard, where you form as a person, acquire the knowledge for the rest of your life and meet friends who will stick with you through thick and thin.
Personal Advice
5 Tips for Fire Safety in Your College Dorm
Tweet By Chris Curry Whether you have a craving for a midnight snack to stay alert for finals or whether you just want to get away from the tasteless choices