Tag "money management"
Money Tips
5 Ways for College Students To Jumpstart a Healthy Financial Future
When you are in college, your primary focus is likely getting the GPA you want and preparing for your career. It’s also a good time to pick up great financial habits.
Personal Advice
Off To College: Money Management
Tweet The following is one in a series of articles for students heading off to college. To help make your transition to school a smooth one, why not download your
Campus News
Millions Mismanaged At Chicago State?
Tweet Money scandals are nothing new, but when the scandal involves a university president who spends school money on lavish parties and cruises, then people not only take notice, but
Career Planning
Advancing Your Career SPOTLIGHT
Tweet Manage Your Money … use pre-paid as your money card Students can avoid debt problems while in school by using pre-paid cards to manage student funds: budget your monthly spending