Money scandals are nothing new, but when the scandal involves a university president who spends school money on lavish parties and cruises, then people not only take notice, but they are outraged.
Months after President Enlora Daniels resigned her position as the head of Chicago State University, additional money management issues are now cropping up.
According to the Chicago Tribune, Auditor General William Holland’s audit found repeated problems with the university’s handling of contracts. As one example, auditors reviewed twenty-six contracts and found eighteen of them — worth more than $2 million — were signed by officials only after the date services had begun.
Moreover, the university failed to get competitive bids as a review of the paperwork on five of the contracts checked showed no sign of competitive bidding. One contract, worth $251,000, had been awarded to a university employee.
After reimbursing the school to the tune of $8,654, President Daniel resigned in January and will leave her position in June. Frank Pogue, Jr. has been appointed interim president while the school launch’s a candidate search.
Chicago State University was founded in 1867 as the Chicago Normal School before later being renamed Chicago Teachers College. Later, the school was renamed the Illinois Teacher’s College: Chicago South before gaining university status and its current name in 1971.
(Source: Chicago Tribune)
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