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Book Reviews

Book Review: The Best 371 Colleges

Tweet I recently got a hold of  a copy of “The Best 371 Colleges” a publication from The Princeton Review. This academic-oriented company helps students prepare for college entrance tests,


Chick-fil-A Hits $25 Million College Scholarship Marker

Tweet I offer a disclaimer from the very beginning of this article – my family absolutely loves Chick-fil-A! Now that I’ve gotten that little legal notice out of the way

Personal Advice

Appalachian State Textbook Rental Program Worth Emulating

Tweet College students are suffering from a bad case of sticker shock especially if they’ve recently shopped for new textbooks through their university bookstore. Prices for some titles easily top

Fun News

College Newspapers Embrace Cyberspace

Tweet The internet has changed the way that major newspapers do business, with many dailies going out of business or transitioning by offering customers both print and online access. America’s

Fun News

Do Your Professors Use Twitter?

Tweet College students actively use social media embracing some of the top sites out there including Digg, Reddit, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. But, social media usage varies beyond the over-30

Student Loans

Surprise! Most Families Are Paying For College Just Fine.

Tweet By the sound of it, most Americans cannot afford to keep up with increasingly higher tuition costs, right? Well, not according to the results of a recent Sallie Mae-Gallup

Personal Advice

Is Your Student Covered This Semester?

Tweet As students head off to college for the fall semester, families need to review their insurance coverage to make certain that their college student has the protection they need.

Book Reviews

Book Review: ACT or SAT? Choosing the Right Exam for You

Tweet I recently previewed a copy of one of The Princeton Review’s newest books, “ACT or SAT: Choosing the Right Exam for You” and I liked what I read. When

Personal Advice

Last Ditch College Funding Ideas

Tweet What a shame it is to hear that many students who are just days away from starting college still don’t know what their tuition bills will be for this

Personal Advice

What You Need To Know About Meningitis

Tweet Colleges across the United States and Canada will soon be back in session, with millions of students heading off in pursuit of academic excellence. While classes are on the

Online Education

Online Education: American Public University

Tweet Men and women who serve the United States of America sometimes sense that they are under-served when it comes to their educational options. The unique nature of military personnel,

Online Education

Online Education: DeVry University

Tweet DeVry University was founded in 1931 in Chicago as DeForest Training School and has gone through a number of name changes since then. Along the way, DeVry has acquired