10 Survival Tips for College Students
You’ve been told, “College will be over before you know it, so enjoy it while it lasts.” While this mantra certainly offers some truth, it does not take into account those lonely, dark times at night when you wrestle with a term paper or simply wonder if your major is right for you.
How to Balance Work and Your College Education
Tweet This educational approach, of course, takes longer than attending college full-time. But, it often gives students that must work the opportunity to further themselves in a very competitive job
15 Career Tips for College Students
Tweet Some of the tools you acquire during your college years can serve you well later on, but only if you understand how best to take advantage of them. The
Focused College Freshmen Have Their Careers In Mind
Tweet The UCLA survey, conducted annually, is administered by that university’s Higher Education Research Institute, part of its Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. Economic Influence The current survey
AP Credit and Your University
Tweet These courses come from across the academic spectrum and include Environmental Science, Psychology, Latin, Microeconomics and Chinese Language and Culture. Many US colleges and universities accept AP credits enabling
More January 2013 College Scholarship News
Tweet Students seeking assistance with their college education are advised to familiarize themselves with the application process, applying before each deadline takes place. Please click on the related links for
NCAA Prunes Its Complex Rulebook
Tweet Based in Indianapolis, the NCAA sanctions more than 20 sports including programs that are for men only, some that are for women only and a few that are coeducational.
January 2013 College Scholarship News
Tweet Most of that aid is quickly awarded to deserving students, including those that apply for assistance. The following is our list of currently open college scholarships, each with a
SJSU and Udacity Partnership: The Future of Higher Education?
Tweet If you believe this statement, then you do not have your pulse on the changes we’ve been seeing in recent years to contain these costs. Rented textbooks. Federal Pell
How to Avoid the Seasonal Flu and Other Illnesses
Tweet This includes college students, people that typically have strong immune systems, but are still at risk of getting sick. Beside getting a flu shot at this late date, college
Wilson College Votes to Become a Coeducational Institution
Tweet Women-only colleges in particular were once part of the higher education landscape, but these schools have been going coeducational or merging with other colleges in a bid to stay
How to Improve Your Grade Point Average
Tweet Still, even if you are nearing the end of your undergraduate studies there are ways you can improve your GPA effectively. 1. Repeat the course. That “D” grade you