4 Online Job Strategies and Considerations

4 Online Job Strategies and Considerations
  • Opening Intro -

    It is time for you to take your online job searching efforts up one level.

    You probably know that connecting with potential employers online can help you with your job search, but you may not be sure what approach to take.


There is a lot of hype out there, so consider our four strategies as you begin to fine tune your online approach.

Your Website

Having your own website can provide the online portfolio you want to share with prospective employers. It can also be a time consuming process, one that just does not pay out the expected dividends.

A personal website may work for you if you are a writer, a craftsman or are seeking to engage in any field where showcasing your talents can work to your advantage. The problem here, however, is that your website may be difficult to find and even more difficult to maintain. Certainly, you could use a platform such as WordPress to launch your site. Just as easily you may find that writing your biography and uploading your photos is easier if you use About.me or some other third-party site. Determine which approach works best for you; include the link to your site on your resume.

Your Photograph

Unless you are a fashion model or designer, you won’t be including full body length photographs of yourself. Instead, put on your best clothes and have several head shots taken. Try different angles and choose the one that is best for you. By all means, smile!

If you have body piercings besides earrings, these can work against you. Remove those piercings and limit your make up. Err on the side of showing your most conservative look — you may want to make a statement about yourself through your attire, but that statement can just as easily be interpreted in the wrong way.

Your Tagline

Who are you? What distinguishes you from the pack? Just as the “elevator pitch” can tell people who you are in 20 or fewer seconds, you need to convey, in writing, who you are to your readers. And those readers are your prospective employers.

Your tagline is synonymous with your headline. It must include your keywords as well as your name. For instance, it might say: “Jane Doe, pediatric registered nurse, acute care specialist.” With this example you shared your name, your field and your specialty, information that can be easier to find in a web search.

Your Profile

We have already looked at the possibility of you having your own website. Whether that option is right for you or not should have no bearing on what every college student and recent graduate should maintain and that is a LinkedIn profile.

Look at LinkedIn as your online version of your hard copy or portable document resume. The advantage of LinkedIn is that your personal information is easier to find. Indeed, Google typically rewards your LinkedIn profile with the top search result for your name. Never underestimate the importance of making it easy to find you!

Your LinkedIn page should be filled out completely. The same tagline/headline approach you took elsewhere should be applied to LinkedIn. You will also include your photograph and offer details about your education, training, work history, volunteer activities, internships and more. Get recommendations from your professors, intern employers and from the places where you volunteered.

Do it Now

When is the best time to strengthen your online presence? Now! It is particularly important that rising college seniors have everything in place before launching a job search. Complete your effort several months before you begin to look for work, allowing for your information to be picked up by the search engines and to give you enough opportunities to fine tune your work.

See Also7 LinkedIn Strategies For College Seniors


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Categories: Career Planning