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Collegiate Sports

Should College Football Players Unionize?

Mark it down: the Northwestern University Wildcats are the first college football team to successfully win the right to unionize.


The Benefits of Free Community College Education

This past Feb., Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam proposed that his state provide free community college tuition for eligible residents. The proposal surprised not a few people, especially given that Haslam is a Republican, yet it was welcomed by many across the political spectrum.

Career Planning

Better Resume Building Done Right

It is important to still maintain a resume even if you connect with employers chiefly online. Your LinkedIn profile can serve as a resume, but usually someone in Human Resources still prefers to see a hard copy or at least a .doc or .pdf of the same.

Personal Advice

College: Don’t Go It Alone

The transition from high school to college is not always a smooth one. Quite frankly, leaving the secure and known environment of home and stepping into the greater world can be eye-opening, even quite unnerving.

Campus Cars

2014 Ford Fiesta Hatchback: Sporty & Affordable

There was a time when Ford offered a compact car, priced it affordably and attracted a good number of buyers.

NCAA Basketball

The Road to the Final Four: Obstacles Abound

Tweet The NCAA Field of 68 has been completed. The first play-in games were played yesterday and the remaining two will be played today. When the dust is settled the

Student Loans

How to Whack Student Loan Debt

You’ve finished your education and now the bills are starting to come in. Student loan bills, that is. If you’re fortunate, you have a job to help pay for your loans. If not, you may be able to seek a deferment, at least for a little while.

Campus News

College Savings Plans by the Numbers

You’ve been socking away money for years to cover your son’s or daughter’s college education. Or perhaps you have several children and have been amassing a small college savings plan for each one.

Campus News

Spring Break Options for Spontaneous Students

You’ve got your entire spring break mapped out, right? Some students have had their plans in place for a long time while others may suddenly find their week-long break upon them and are not sure what they will do.


How to Manage College Living Expenses

Once you pay your tuition, fees, room & board, and purchase or rent your textbooks, you may have precious little money left to live on.


College Majors and College Minors

At some point while attending college you will have to declare your major. This can happen early in your freshman year, but usually no later before the end of your sophomore year.

Online Education

6 Misconceptions About Online Learning

More and more American students are taking online courses. In fact, more than 6 million Americans have taken an online class.