Better Resume Building Done Right

Better Resume Building Done Right
  • Opening Intro -

    It is important to still maintain a resume even if you connect with employers chiefly online.

    Your LinkedIn profile can serve as a resume, but usually someone in Human Resources still prefers to see a hard copy or at least a .doc or .pdf of the same.


If your resume lacks punch, the following are some tips for making it better.

1. Tell the truth. Exaggerations or outright lies will come back to bite you. Always be truthful and accurate about the positions you held and what you accomplished. You’re entitled to use certain word embellishments, but you still must back that up with accurate information.

2. Talk up your volunteer work. For people that lack work experience, any sort of volunteer work can fill that void. If you are young and are just starting out, then the help you provided elsewhere can be beneficial to list on your resume. Consider the following: watching or teaching young children at your church, bags packed to help the homeless, money you raised for an animal shelter. The list goes on — you’re bound to have helped someone, somewhere so list that information.

3. Mention your club achievements. If you were a Boy Scout, a Girl Scout, an American Heritage Girl, an Earth Scout or participated in any other scout-like organization, then list that on your resume. Such groups show that you have initiative and can be an excellent place for you to demonstrate competency. Your achieving Eagle Scout status is important, something that should be included on your resume.

4. Know your objective. What type of work are you looking for? That information should be included in an objective to start out your resume. Typically, the objective section offers two to three sentences describing your career goals. Although objectives are optional, they can be beneficial if your work history is thin.

5. Your education matters. What you have learned in life is important to Human Resource professionals, the individuals that will see your resume first. That means listing your degrees even if unrelated to your work path. What you should not include is the date of your graduation, what can give away your age if you are older. And only include your high school graduation if it was recent and you don’t have a college degree yet.

Language Considerations

Most resumes should be no longer than a full page. If you are a professional with many years of experience, two to three pages is acceptable.

Use action verbs or power words to describe various traits including your management, communication, technical, research and teaching skills. Words such as: delegated, influenced, extracted, calculated, and evaluated show experience and authority, traits that Human Resources professionals want.

See AlsoHow to Build a Stellar Resume Fresh Out of College


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Categories: Career Planning